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New Fire Prism/Night spinner kit

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New Fire Prism/Night spinner kit

#1  Postby shaggai » Thu Jun 10, 2010 12:05 pm

Don't know how many out there got this, but it looks like that CAD modeling system of GWs is working overtime. One particular piece is the swivel mount connecting the cupola to the main hull - it's nice to see two pieces just have to fit in exactly the right way without fiddling or shaving off plastic especially with both mating surfaces contoured.

Only problem with this kit and the new cuploa is now you look at the Falcon an realize it is now looking really "old in the tooth" and the Wave Serpent is more like "WTF?" Wonder how long it's going to take GW to make a Falcon/Wave serpent v2 cupola/turret...
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#2  Postby Homer_S » Thu Jun 10, 2010 12:19 pm

If they released an upgrade sprue of the turret/energy field that would freakin' rock! I think I have 4 hulls build/painted now: 1 x Wave Serpent, 2 x Falcon and another magnetized so I can swap it out. All have removable turrets/weapons so I can field them with the two Fire Prism turrets I have. Then two more in the box!

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#3  Postby shaggai » Thu Jun 10, 2010 10:59 pm

Hopefully there'll be an "upgrade" pack available with just the turret and weapon sprues - they did one for the LR redeemer. Although I'm sure they'll find a way to make it look like a spare falcon hull is to great a deal to pass up from the base box vs. the upgrade pack.

I wonder how big a template I could get with a total of 9 fire prisms firing at each other? (I have 2 old school prisms, 4 falcon hulls, two of the new kits and a FW doomweaver purchased from ebay - all with magnetized turrets. And that's not counting 3 more wave serpents, although they have to stay that way because I glued the offset turret piece to the hull :sad: )
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