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Site Rules. The site policy is available to read here.

Edition Support. Please note that 8th Edition files were released in October 2017. The 7th Edition files are no longer be supported.

General and Bug Reporting. Please note that we only support AB3.5, (although support for any version other than the latest may be withdrawn at any time without prior notice, please see release notes at time of file release) and not older versions of AB3 or AB2.x. When reporting bugs or requesting changes or updates please provide as much detail as possible, i.e. the file version, any patches installed, what rules were selected and steps taken to reproduce the bug - this makes it a lot easier for the maintainers to fix problems.

New Files. As mentioned in the FAQs in AB, on this site and in the relevant forums there is a minimum one month embargo on the latest release date on files when a new codex is released. Do not ask for it early!

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View the latest post Where are we?

You might have noticed some things:

  1. We missed 9th edition but we are back with 10th edition.
  2. We are not around this site much.
  3. We are on Discord.

The time has come to wind things down on this website, but we remain quite active on keeping the 10th edition files updated and fresh via Discord.

Join us there!
Homer & the Team...

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