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Warhammer 30k the Horus Heresy

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Warhammer 30k the Horus Heresy

#1  Postby deano » Wed Mar 01, 2017 11:43 pm

So, it has been a while since I tried editing lists. I see that the 30k files have not been messed with in some time. When I reported some bugs, Shaggi threw down a loud gauntlet and told "Someone" to step up and do them.

So I will step up. But firstly I have some questions and my PMs to Shaggi do not appear to be going through.

Which HH books do I need to look into getting to even think about digging into your code?
Have you ever given thought to splitting the 30k lists off from the 40k lists?
(Is there a reason they are tied to 40k?)
Any cliff notes you have been keeping on how and why you are changing the way you set the files up?

I will start with the bug reports to re-familiarize myself with how to make Creator work... How do you prefer files to be submitted? (Got a cloud somewhere?)
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Re: Warhammer 30k the Horus Heresy

#2  Postby Spack » Tue Mar 14, 2017 9:33 pm

Sorry there has been no reply to this yet, real life gets in the way a lot and while I can't speak for Shaggai personally I haven't touched a 40k model or rulebook in a couple of years now, I just try to keep the website from disappearing. My work life has been hectic for the past few months and I've not been keeping on top of watching out what is going on here in the forums as often as I'd like.

As to the 30k files being tied to 40k, I have no idea. I can only assume that they share many common fundamental structures and it made more sense to tie them together than to have to make similar changes to two sets of files when GW & FW change the core rules or FO/detachment structure rules.

Ultimately if you can demonstrate to Shaggai that you are capable of modifying files so that they work within the current 40k file system, and are able to fix issues and where possible add new units, the phrase "all will be revealed" will make some sense in answer to you last two questions. As to which books you'll need, I have no idea - I haven't seen any of the 30k/HH books, so have no idea which contain the current rules. The general rule of thumb is that the latest books overrule the same units/lists in the older books, but FW may well be doing things differently.

I can try to prod Shaggai, but if real life has meant he's unavailable for the forseeable future that's something that can't be worked around.

If you do have some file changes to submit, feel free to send them to me via PM (either attach as a ZIP file, or send a link to a cloud location I can download them from) I can take a look, and maybe try to prod Shaggai.


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Re: Warhammer 30k the Horus Heresy

#3  Postby deano » Wed Mar 15, 2017 3:17 pm

Well this is not likely going to be fast. I am a code neophyte and am having trouble with making a selection in the squad show up on the sarge (Add a Chainsword/Combat blade on a Legion tactical support squad). I am missing a step somewhere.. But I may have just had an idea...

I do have a code guy who may dive in and get the Wolves up and running just because he wants it done, but that doesn't help much with all the other factions that are not included yet...

I will probably PM both you and Shaggi when we get something substantive done...

Thanks for a response.
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Re: Warhammer 30k the Horus Heresy

#4  Postby Spack » Wed Mar 15, 2017 6:11 pm

If you can find another​ unit in that works in the same way then you can look at the files in ABCreator and see how it's works, and duplicate the same parts. Often anything that has code behind it is highlighted yellow in ABCreator such as links.

I'm a software developer where I work, and have over 20 years commercial experience, and i get lost jumping around in ABCreator, just keep looking and you'll probably find that missing step; and once you do it'll be like a light bulb going off above your head. Shanghai would be here suited to pointing you in the right direction when he pops up again.

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Re: Warhammer 30k the Horus Heresy

#5  Postby Homer_S » Tue Sep 12, 2017 2:17 pm

I did this back under 7th. Once we get the main file out for 8th, I might take it up again. I enjoyed the challenge.

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