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Orkses FOC's and Formations

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Orkses FOC's and Formations

#1  Postby Mazrim » Tue Apr 28, 2015 5:02 am

I don't know if I just missed a toggle somewhere or am just 'toopid, but when I select the Formation of :Blitz Brigade: which is 5 battlewagons, there is no hit to the 'heavy' slot. But when I select :Ghazghul's Bully Boyz:, it shows all three elite slots taken.

The BB isn't like all dedicated transports, since you buy the formation with the suckers empty, and thats the only way I have found to get BW's without a Heavy slot. And since the formation is FIVE wagons, clearly over the limit of 3 heavy, I can see why you wouldn't WANT to count it....but then why the penalty of counting 3 elite slots for the Bully Boyz???

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Re: Orkses FOC's and Formations

#2  Postby Akaiyou » Tue Apr 28, 2015 7:33 pm

Whoever made the Ork datafile did a poor job my friend that is the only explanation.

I've been trying to get them to notice that there are mistakes that need to be fixed with the Orks but it seems like a tough sell here.
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