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Naming Conventions/Intent for Use?

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Naming Conventions/Intent for Use?

#1  Postby Mettius » Sun Jan 04, 2015 6:38 pm

I found this thread: to be very helpful.

Following up on that, I see what appear to be 40K Edition references as the Option Id for various options in for example the general7Dat.dat file.
A few questions to help those of us trying to mod/leverage the AB40K files (aka not reinvent the wheel).

gn6_ChSwdU vs gn6_ChSwd
- The difference appears to be that gn6_ChSwd has an Eval script whereas gn6_ChSwd does not. Does the "U" appendix designate unequipped or some such?
gn6_* does the "6" stand for 6th Ed rules?
- What is the significance of this designator? Does it mean the last time this option was edited or introduced was with that Edition of 40K?
- If so, I assume there is a reason not just to have a gn_ChSwd option which just gets updated if the 40K rules change it in a subsequent edition. My WAG is that this is so the maintainers can quickly see what Ed a given option was last written/updated for, but it would be helpful to know the true intent.
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Re: Naming Conventions/Intent for Use?

#2  Postby Homer_S » Sun Jan 04, 2015 10:42 pm

Mettius wrote:I found this thread: to be very helpful.

Following up on that, I see what appear to be 40K Edition references as the Option Id for various options in for example the general7Dat.dat file.
A few questions to help those of us trying to mod/leverage the AB40K files (aka not reinvent the wheel).

gn6_ChSwdU vs gn6_ChSwd
- The difference appears to be that gn6_ChSwd has an Eval script whereas gn6_ChSwd does not. Does the "U" appendix designate unequipped or some such?
gn6_* does the "6" stand for 6th Ed rules?
- What is the significance of this designator? Does it mean the last time this option was edited or introduced was with that Edition of 40K?
- If so, I assume there is a reason not just to have a gn_ChSwd option which just gets updated if the 40K rules change it in a subsequent edition. My WAG is that this is so the maintainers can quickly see what Ed a given option was last written/updated for, but it would be helpful to know the true intent.

Yes exactly. Some instances allow options with eval scripts and some do not. gn6_ is meant to tell you what file to go find the element in when it needs updating. It also helps when troubleshooting.

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Re: Naming Conventions/Intent for Use?

#3  Postby Mettius » Sun Jan 04, 2015 11:58 pm

Ah, so gn6_* means the option was introduced in the 6th edition general data file.
Presumably now in general7Dat.dat (as I don't see an general6Dat.dat) in the current release 1.10.
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Re: Naming Conventions/Intent for Use?

#4  Postby Homer_S » Mon Jan 05, 2015 1:38 am

Mettius wrote:Ah, so gn6_* means the option was introduced in the 6th edition general data file.
Presumably now in general7Dat.dat (as I don't see an general6Dat.dat) in the current release 1.10.

The were likely unchanged so the prefix didn't change. Also, its more of a guideline than a rule.

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