Please let's have a consensus on these in army builder.
Currently the Chaos Space Marine AB data file allows me to take a chaos lord and equip him with Dimensional Key, The Murder Sword, Black Mace, Burning Brand in any combination.
Yet the Dark Angels and Space Marine AB data files force me to choose just 1 item.
The wording for all 3 codexes are identical when selecting these options.
I'm not sure if you are aware that the CSM are allowed to mix and match or not, but I just want some kind of 'standard' there's unlikely to be an FAQ for these unique wargear items. (CSM been out for a year and the issue hasn't been addressed)
Let's not play favorites please.
If we are putting this to a vote or taking suggestion I think the best compromise is to allow AB to let us equip 1 of these items that swap out a weapon + any items that do not require weapon swapping.
This means we should ALWAYS be able to take Shroud of Heroes with DA, and Armour of Indomitus with SM regardless of any other option we have equipped.