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Aeronautica Imperialis ...

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Aeronautica Imperialis ...

#1  Postby Spack » Fri Jan 05, 2007 3:47 pm

I've got Aeronautica Imperialis in my sweaty hands, and I've realised that I'll have to *shock horror* resort to paper and pencil, or another non-AB alternative, to create my lists! 8O

So, I thought I'd have a crack at creating some AB files, and was hoping to get some pointers on where to start. I've messed with editing 40k files in the past, I guess it's just getting started on the def file itself that I need to look into. The options on the aircraft themselves are pretty simple, so I don't envisage that it'll be too much work, at least not initially.

So, is anyone else going to play AI?
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#2  Postby harkan » Fri Jan 05, 2007 9:21 pm

I may get it purely cuz I am addicted to FW stuff but I dont think anyone else in my local area will have it ... hmmm, wonder if you can play by email lol

You're correct in what you assumed, def file first - work through each tab as you go along and is also useful to plan ahead what stats etc you are going to need, default views for users and all the rest.

After that it is just a case of deciding how you are going to split down the data and aug files, whether it be by race/plane type or imperium/everyone else - after that is plain sailing!!
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#3  Postby Homer_S » Wed Jun 17, 2009 3:55 pm

Is there still interest in this? I know my son might be interested.

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#4  Postby Spack » Wed Jun 17, 2009 4:18 pm

I never did get around to starting anything for this - while I do play AI occassionally, my group tends to pick their force at the time we play and so there was no need to generate a list up front on the PC.
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