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Expansion Eldar lists

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Expansion Eldar lists

#1  Postby Katie_Drake » Wed Jun 18, 2008 4:03 am

Hi. If this should be in the Codex: Eldar section, feel free to smack me upside the head with something heavy.

Just curious - in the latest update of Army Builder that I downloaded from this site I noticed that if you check the Expansion List box you get the ability to play all of the old Eldar Craftworlds, plus some new ones. The one that interested me most was the Ulthwe Strike Force. I went about my business trying to create a roster, but I found that almost every unit had to be mounted in a Wave Serpent which was forbidden in the actual Strike Force rules from Codex: Eye of Terror. Can someone explain to me what's going on here and how I may go about fixing it?


Katie D
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#2  Postby warriorstwilight » Wed Jun 18, 2008 5:38 pm

well Umm ahh.. that used to be hidden.. 8O

When i made the eldar codex I recreated some of the old stuff and was thinking of expansion lists and the extra craft worlds i put in there with some other useless things with an eye to the future. I was thinking that GW might make a Craft World codex again or make Craft World specific lists at some point.. they haven't. (Except the apocalypse lists which didn't work the same.)

So everything in the "expansion area" could be considered non playable.. or if you get industrious use ABC to fix some and make your own deals. otherwise you could modify an entry thats located in the elAUG.aug file, under the Context tab. Choose the elWebWay context id under legality for the Ruleset of the Web portal entry, add ruleset.test & ("roster.el & ruleset.ro_NoCodex").

Note, that if you do modify the files any new updates to the eldar files will Override them. So you might want to just rename the data folder to something else before updating.

Right now there is some discussion on wither or not we want to do anything with expansion lists or old lists that GW has on their websites and white dwarfs. I can't say anything more about it at this time.

Hope that helps kate.
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