thanks to the team for the effort put into the file (my flatmate did say yours would be released about 8 hours after i had finished,lol), having a look through now to see what i did right/wrong. What i've noticed so far :
Opening army builder and comparing both yours and mine. Have since decided to make a bug report to go along with this, so going through the lot.
had to add 3 tags i added back in to look at them at the same time, 1 being for the company master so he cant have a bike, unitid makes a lot more sense. Makes a lot more sense for a lot of the things i was doing with tags
Both of us have put the Shroud of Heroes in the replace one weapon with bit.
With Belial i didn't have the storm bolter in the swords option so that there is no need to deselect to choose the other options.
one thing with the weapons options is i have them in order of points - not a usability issue, more personal preference.
Company master - i had his name in Power Armour & when selecting Artificer Armour changing to reflect this.
A lot of things look exactly the same in army builder which is a + for me
I have put all vehicle upgrades in the "Vehicle Upgrades" section & added Preferred enemy to Deathwing Vehicle. It does seem to look nicer like this. also means there all in the same place on all vehicles.
I didn't use tags for the veteran sergeant upgrade, in eval for the upgrade i used entity.basestat & = "Veteran Sergeant"
Did the Deathwing upgrade on the Landraiders slightly easier - the auto one with requires parent, and the other with No, instead of using tags (end result the same
). also noted missing the textcost on the transport options to show the included upgrade.
to sum up, i got most right and a few things wrong. Feel a lot more comfortable using the creator now than i did when i started.
Anyway, great work on the new file!! & hope my comments are helpful.