So we played our first game, 10,000 points a side - and due to my oppo. not having that many of any army (he just collects Nid's) we decided to field a really strange combination.
Purists will shudder, but we did Imperial Guard vs Nids/Necrons.
We did come up with a story line about how they would work together - it was more a "tolerate" each other - one wanted "souls" the other wanted biomass.
You have to understand our reasoning on the Necron Flayer - I think it makes sense anyway
Anyway - Nid/Necron notable units were both C'Tan, 2 Monoliths, 1 Pylon, a Heirophant Biotitan, various big gribblies and an endless swarm.
Guard (Me) were a Shadowsword, Baneblade, Gorgon - an armoured company, Basilisk battery, a Valkyrie, Company of men (about 150 actual "dudes")
We only got to Turn 2 ( ) but managed to squeak out a draw, with me managing to land the Valkyrie on an objective to "hold" it on the last turn.
He killed my Baneblade (Nasty Bio Titan) and left 10" pie plate holes in my men and tanks, but I managed to kill the Deceiver, The Pylon and a bunch of random models (including 30+ genestealers and recycled his entire endless swarm).
One thing I would say, and that the BioTitan is one ugly hard to kill &^*%%*%*
He doesn't actually own the model - we have a "Proxy once then turn up with it" rule - it was the only thing proxied on the board - and was represented by a Forgeworld Bloodthirster.
Maybe a bit small lengthwise - but it fit the bill... thing is - he's not using it again and THANK GOD for that... it's horrible...
The sad thing is - all the models bar the Nid's were mine... LOL.. I'm such a collector...
Next up (End of this Month):
15,000 points aside - 4 players - Space Marines (2 Chapters, Imperial Fists and a homemade chapter based on them) vs Traitor Imp Guard and Chaos Space Marines (Mostly Iron Warriors)
Watch this space...I'm fielding approx. 11.5k of Imperial Fists including 8 Space Marine Captains! Yes - insane I know - but where else can you do that???
I'll send some links to pictures next time...