Scratchbuilding Drop Pod
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Scratchbuilding Drop PodSince Easter is comming up, it seems like a good time for building something cone shaped... Yesterday I walked the local mall trying to find something wrapped up in an oversized Egg and found "Merci Crocant" (for all of you not located in Europe, its a hard candy) that comes with a nice Eggshell shaped thing, perfectly fitting Dreadnaught including bannerpole (well that I found out at home..)
The sweet side is, they deliver me a Drop pod AND food.. so I bought two. So the comming weeks I'll be building Drop Pod's, I will be making some Pictures during Build, and eventually post those as well, but it might take some time... In the meantime I thought I'll let you in on the idea, and maybe get some good advice in return.
DP's are incredibly easy to kill once they have landed. Anything beyond basic points on them is a complete waste of points.
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Firstly their Ballistic Skill is only 2, so adding that with the 2' range of the Storm Bolter means they are unlikely to hit their target...
Secondly the fact that Drop Pods armour isn't very high and that it becomes open-topped once it's cargo disembarks. So after thinking about it, the short range and life expectancy versus the point cost is about balanced with the normal Drop Pod. The deathwind drop pod costs too much for the lack of durability, and BS… So there! ![]() Fyrebyrd
For my Drop Pod i picked up some Plumbing pipe that sizes down from 3" on one end and 1 1/2" on the other. I this one for troop and the Dreadnought uses on that is 3x2" the Dread actually fits inside it too.
...hmmmm Ok, I'll keep that in mind about the life span and exchangable weapons are on my schedule anyway so I'll just see about which fits me better.
I'm wondering now after what warriorstwilight said, does the Figuers have to fit in the Pod in game, like literaly put it IN the thing and close it? So far I thought it just theoratically must have a size bigger than the Models supposed to be transported, but I was actually not planning for them to be openable to put them inside. Thanks for the input!
I think GW's suggested size at the UK GT wass the large blast template. Use that as a guideline for a base to mount it on, and to use for a rough outline where the open doors should reach out to. Dan
AB40k Site Admin/Beta Tester Age of Strife Owner/Admin: http://www.ageofstrife.com Gaming Figures Partner/Admin: http://www.gamingfigures.com
Thanks Dan,
so I think for stability I'll glue it shut then. That way I don't have to also design the interior details. With "size" I more meant how tall it stands and it's shape, as I read in other Forums this is a matter of interest when it comes to situations in the Game where line of sight is important. About Base size, you are referring to the 5 Inch Template, right? Just making usre.
Cool Tip! Thank you!
Just for the record (pun intended..), a CD is precisely 4 4/5 Inch wide per international definition. Guess with a little filler that will not be a problem, even with picky oponents Axel
As a kind reminder a Drop Pod is a vehicle and realy does not need a base per se. However it is imperitive that the DP is of apporpriate size to reflect what 'cargo' it is transporting. I have seen DP's that appear more rectangular, kind of like a drop ship. Following the 'counts as' rule they are still good to use. When it comes to the one off game with your friends its between you and them what size it should be. However in a tournament setting most organizers will be ok with a scratch built DP that is close to the same size as the orginal(providing again that is it of size to carry its 'cargo').
Did I sum this up good enough? Or did I miss something? Anyone disagree? Comments are expected... ![]() Fyrebyrd
Size to carry actual models I think is not required. Ork Trukks cannot, Rhinos cant, etc.. There is a standard size for each that should be maintained, but actually carrying the models I don't think is a requirement.
The only "hobby" GW is interested in is lining their pockets with your money.
I agree size doesnt have to be perfect, but a DP that is the size of a normal model(on a 1" base) is pushing the limits. (many thanks jlong to make me realize my comments were not reflecting my intention) What I meant is that as long as its kinda the size it should be it would be ok in many cases...
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