Codex: Deathwatch 7e

I would like to first thank all of the developers for taking the time to produce and maintain the AB40K files. Phenomenal job!!!
While going thru the new Deathwatch 7e codex and comparing to AB options I noticed that Black Shields and Watch Sergeants cannot take the Heavy Thunder Hammer (HTH) in the AB program. I did not see a category in the Bug Tracker for the Deathwatch Codex so I thought I would put it here.
But on pg 78 of the codex it states that any veteran may replace his Weapons for the Heavy Thunder Hammer. As the unit is listed as a Veterans Unit all entries under that unit type, Black Shield and Watch Sergeant included, should be able to take the HTH.
Also, if you watch the Warhammer TV article posted by Games Workshop employees, about building Deathwatch Kill Teams, he specifically builds a Black Shield with a HTH.
Hope this helps, thanks again for the quick turn around on the Deathwatch codex, it is awesome.
I would like to first thank all of the developers for taking the time to produce and maintain the AB40K files. Phenomenal job!!!
While going thru the new Deathwatch 7e codex and comparing to AB options I noticed that Black Shields and Watch Sergeants cannot take the Heavy Thunder Hammer (HTH) in the AB program. I did not see a category in the Bug Tracker for the Deathwatch Codex so I thought I would put it here.
But on pg 78 of the codex it states that any veteran may replace his Weapons for the Heavy Thunder Hammer. As the unit is listed as a Veterans Unit all entries under that unit type, Black Shield and Watch Sergeant included, should be able to take the HTH.
Also, if you watch the Warhammer TV article posted by Games Workshop employees, about building Deathwatch Kill Teams, he specifically builds a Black Shield with a HTH.
Hope this helps, thanks again for the quick turn around on the Deathwatch codex, it is awesome.