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PostPosted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 12:19 am
by shaggai
OK, this is one of the newest design features to the AB40K files - and after seeing it, many are probably wondering what this is.

When any roster selects the Imperial Armour ruleset, there are two things which will happen, the unit selection section of the screen will become cluttered with numerous units with the (IA) suffix and a great many of these will be duplicates. Or, within the Transport selection of a unit, there will be the same type of display - duplication with units with the IA suffix.

Homer_S designed this solution and I decided to run with it. The goal is to remove the duplication, but still have the ability to select IA units. This will now be done within the main unit itself.

A small example will be to take the Witch Hunter Immolator unit. Select the WH roster and check the Imperial Amour Ruleset. When you then select the immolator to your list, you will note that there will be a check box which says "Use IA Version". Once you check this box, options may change entirely, options may change cost, the unit may change cost, and lastly the IA book reference will be shown as well as the unit name changing to "Immolator (IA)".

This is still a work in process, the need to get an update our for those who update only via the New Update function outweighed the need to wait another month until it could be fully completed. However, a good portion of the units are represented in this fashion. Also note that the older IA units which nominally show up have not been deleted yet as with the amount of work on two different fronts - it is sometimes difficult when it is safe to work on a file which shares so much information as the IA file does.

This thread is opend up for your comments, questions, and any particular oddities or errors that you come across with the files in regards to this new feature. We also hope to have a small video tutorial explaining the above in action with the AB3 program. Stay tuned for this on this thread.

PostPosted: Mon Mar 29, 2010 3:58 am
by shaggai
Another note is that this has been done using the most recent IA FAQ updates available from the FW website. This is an important note as there is substantial differences between IA units and codex units based on how "new" the codex in question is.

Thus the Black Templars have the biggest differences between a codex model (such as a Rhino) and the IA verison of the same. So be aware that even the cost of the unit will change between the two, not to mention purchased options for the codex verison being considered default on the IA verison.

Most recent codicies (SM and SW) will have the least differences between the two types of unit and often the use of the "Use IA Verison" will do little more than add the (IA) suffix to the unit in question. An example of this is the Land Speeder squadron for Codex SM.

There will also be the rare situation where the duplicated unit remains however there will be circumstances as to why that is. An example of this is the Dark Angels and the Land Speeder Squadron (IA) and the Ravenwing Support Squadron. The IA version is considered an entirely new unit as it does not share the same name as the Ravenwing Support Squadron although essentially they are both "Land Speeder Squadrons."

Re: IA

PostPosted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 3:40 am
by Kolath
Hello all, I'm a long time user of the AB40k files, first time poster. I just recently decided to check out the Imperial Armour 2 rules for my codex: space marines. I see a bunch of options for (IA) units (the prometheus, whirlwind hyperion, etc.). However, I can't seem to find any way to select the IA razorback (mainly for allowing the twin-linked multi-melta option. Am I missing something or is this a bug? I don't see any "switch to IA" button. I am using the latest version of army builder and the current version of the 40k ruleset.


Re: IA

PostPosted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 3:54 am
by shaggai
Kolath wrote:Hello all, I'm a long time user of the AB40k files, first time poster. I just recently decided to check out the Imperial Armour 2 rules for my codex: space marines. I see a bunch of options for (IA) units (the prometheus, whirlwind hyperion, etc.). However, I can't seem to find any way to select the IA razorback (mainly for allowing the twin-linked multi-melta option. Am I missing something or is this a bug? I don't see any "switch to IA" button. I am using the latest version of army builder and the current version of the 40k ruleset.


Yep, that's a bug - looks like that wasn't converted over oddly enough. Will be corrected in the near future and it will work like the other types of units that have the "Use IA Version" checkbox.

Re: IA

PostPosted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 4:26 am
by Kolath
Oh awesome! Glad I could help find a bug for you!

Is there any (relatively) simple way to edit the file myself in the meantime? Also, I've been thinking about wanting to "mod" the 40k ruleset to account for some house rules (mainly allowing tacticals to purchase special weapons at 5-man like in 4th edition), is there a way to build a mod on top of the existing 40k files?

Re: IA

PostPosted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 4:45 am
by shaggai
Kolath wrote:Oh awesome! Glad I could help find a bug for you!

Is there any (relatively) simple way to edit the file myself in the meantime? Also, I've been thinking about wanting to "mod" the 40k ruleset to account for some house rules (mainly allowing tacticals to purchase special weapons at 5-man like in 4th edition), is there a way to build a mod on top of the existing 40k files?

You could...note, however, that whatever work that you would do would be wiped out completely once the files are updated. There would however, be certain clever ways to get around this - a brief hint would be to check out how the Red Scorpions are handled with regards to their Tactical squad and how it interacts with the codex SM Tac Squad. (Not that I don't want to tell you, but I need some sleep - you'd create a roster option such as "Your Mod". Then you could build a file with your tactical squad inside it set for a "Live" of & ruleset.ro_your mod. The regular tac squad would need to have it's current Live with & !ruleset.ro_your mod appended to what is there alreeady, so that it would not appear when you have your Roster option selected.This would stille require you to change the basic sm5dat and definition file after every update however...)

Re: IA

PostPosted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 5:18 pm
by stinkoman
This may be another bug, but i havent made a WH list in a while and i used to remember when the IA update came out it changed the point cost for the rhino and immolator. the immo shows up under the IA transports but the rhino does not. i know this thread is old, so sorry if the fix is in the works.

Re: IA

PostPosted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 5:21 pm
by stinkoman
Oops, i found the option, under the rhino (once selected) you have to select the wargear option " use ia version". thanks any way. :lol: