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Sisters of Battle Options

PostPosted: Sat Jul 11, 2009 12:45 pm
by db2000
Anyone able to tell me why when selecting sisters of battle option in army builder there is no option to take a Penitent Engine. I appreciate it does not give faith points but then neither do sisters of repentia. Is this a bug?

Also is there a advantage to taking a pure sisters of battle army i.e. do they get additional faith points above the norm or is this just cosmetic/atmospheric?

Is there anywhere apart from page 25 that explains benefits of a pure Adepta Sororitas list?

Many thanks. Looking forward to trying the following list (they have been sat under the bed unassembled for a few years) -

Inquisitor Lord + full Retuinue
Vindicare Assassin
Seraphim Squad of 5
Battle Sisters Squad of 10 x3
Penitent Engine
1500pts all include upgrades

Any comments welcome and am happy to invest in cannoness + retinue as well as possibly a retributor squad.

Best Wishes,


PostPosted: Sat Jul 11, 2009 1:01 pm
by shaggai
The Sisters of Battles option that is available is something that is really only a "version" of the army that can be chosen which only contains units with the Adeptas Sororitas rule (or have SoB as drivers, which is why the Immolator and Exorcist are available as choices). Repentias are a stretch, but they used to be sisters...

Apart from collecting all these units in one place for army building, it does not serve any REAL gaming purpose. It is only inlcuded for people who rather like to ignore the "freak show" components of the Witch Hunters Army list and only really choose the SoB units. There is no benefit other than "fluffieness" of the army.

And you must get a cannoness (or four :lol: )...the sheer fact that she comes with a lot of extras (book, inferno pistol, eviscerator) means that she is a must to help convert her and other Veteran Sisters.

PostPosted: Tue Jul 14, 2009 8:53 am
by db2000
Ok have purchased another box of Seraphim, a priest, Penatent Engine, Sister Squad and a Saint Celestine to convert as a Canoness and use with a jump pack, possibly placing her with or close to the Seraphim for support.

They should arrive this week, looking forward to playing these. I know I need at least one more Penatent Engine but will have to wait and juggle points around. Need to see how they play out first.
