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A second opinion.

PostPosted: Thu Dec 26, 2013 12:12 pm
by paxmiles
This question is just because I need a clarification of policy. Question regards multiple codex ab40k files and is a question of consistency, but is not meant to insult or override previous rulings.

Okay, so Codex Space Marines. Page 159. Looking at relics. Says there's a limit on having 1 weapon swapped for a relic. Asterisk on bottom says does not require weapon loss for the Armour Indomitus. Army builder let's me take both the Armour Indomitus and another relic on the same Captain.

Codex Chaos Space Marines. Page 91. Looking at chaos artifacts. Says there's a limit on having 1 weapon swapped for a chaos artifact. Asterisk on bottom says does not require weapon loss for the Scrolls of Magus or for the Dimensional Key. Using a Lord with Mark of Tzeentch, I can take both the Scrolls of Magus and the Dimensional key, and then swap a weapon for a third Chaos Artifact on a single character.

So, pretty straight forward and consistent so far.

Codex Dark Angels. Page 91. Looking at relics. Says there's a limit on having 1 weapon swapped for a relic. Asterisk on bottom says does not require weapon loss for the Shroud of heroes. However, unlike the other two ab40k files, we can only select 1 relic, even if it's the shroud of heroes.

There are multiple ab40k bugs reported on this subject in the Dark Angels section. However, the responses are everything from a lack of response to a, "As to the belief that you can take relics like they were spare weapons lying around the armoury, I don't buy it. Until the issue is FAQed you'll replace one weapon with one relic per model, not one weapon with one relic per weapon."

The wording of the entries remains the same in all three codex wargear sections (relics replaced with chaos artifiacts in the CSM codex, but that's it).

I don't mind this ruling, but I don't understand why it only applies to the Dark Angels Codex. Can someone Clarify the AB40k Maintainer's stance on this, please?

Re: A second opinion.

PostPosted: Sat Dec 28, 2013 7:52 pm
by Akaiyou
I have pointed this inconsistency aswell and haven't seen it fixed yet...still waiting and hoping that whoever is in charge of DA gets to it.