Frequently Asked Questions
Warhammer 40 000 7th Edition Data Files
Welcome to the FAQ for the Warhammer 40 000 7th Edition data files for Army Builder.
This FAQ contains a collection of important details about the data files for this game system that their author thought you should be aware of. If you have questions that are not covered below, please contact the author of the data files for further information. You will find contact information for the author under the 'Help' menu by selecting the 'Contact Data File Author' menu item.
Note: This FAQ is also available within Army Builder itself on the Help menu, although the latest version will always be available online here.

This FAQ contains a compilation of answers to the most frequent questions our users have asked over time.
If you have any questions that are not covered below, you are invited to contact us by posting on our forums at www.ab40k.orgPlease select the subject you have questions on below:
Current File Version
The current ab40k File Version you are using can be found in Army Builder under the Help Tab by selecting the Data File Release Notes.
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School League
Black Templars
Blood Angels
Chaos Daemons
Chaos Space Marines
Dark Angels
Dark Eldar
Grey Knights
Imperial Guard
Raven Guard
Red Scorpions
Sisters of Battle
Space Marines
Space Wolves
Tau Empire
================================================================gn1. How long do I have to wait for a file when a new codex has been released?
We apply a standard one month waiting period on all new codex additions to the files. This is taken from the English release date for the codex book itself (so it is NOT taken from the release of any army deal). This time limit is not open to discussion or reduction in any way.
Furthermore, user created files submitted to our site related to new codexes will also be subject to the same one month waiting period.
This one month waiting period is the soonest the file could be released and does NOT imply any guarantee that the file will be released exactly after one month.
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gn2. How can I report a bug I found?
Please go to and follow the intructions to report bugs (LINK). PLEASE, Do not post bugs in the Lone Wolf or AB40k forums. We don't always look in the forums for bug reports, as we expect to find them in the bug report section.Back To Top
gn3. What are the Ab40k Maintainer's driving principles?
We the Ab40k Maintainer Team follow a number of driving principles while developing our data files. They are as follows:
- To perpetually keep the data files clear of bugs and inconsistancies. If you as a user find them then please let us know.
- To include all units, rosters, and armies created by Games Workshop(GW) and Forge World(FW).
- To grant enough information to assist as a reminder for users. NEVER intent to be a codex replacement.
- To apply a one month waiting period on all new codex additions to the files, taken from the English release date for the codex book itself (NOT taken from army deal releases).
- To provide army lists, that do not require opponent's permission, to be in the core rules section.
- To provide army lists, that do require opponent's permission, to be in the non codex materials rule section.
- To provide a 'legal' army list utilizing the following basis; If there is doubt over the interpretation of a rule or option then the maintainers will use the strictest interpretation to ensure the list produced will remain 'legal'.
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gn4. I'm looking at xyz unit and it appears all of the starting wargear is missing, is this a bug?
If all of the starting(default) wargear is missing, then you probably have the Competition Output Roster option turned on.
If you do not have it on then you may well have a bug.
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gn5. What is purpose for the Formatting Option called 'Competiton Output' ?
The whole purpose of this option is to make streamlined lists without the "clutter" of all of the default rules. Only options which are purchased will show.
In general, the output contains only upgrades requiring purchase/selection: no rules, no default wargear, no default additional units such as default sergeants.
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gn6. What do the abbreviations with the page numbers mean?
They specify the codex or publication the appropriate rule can be found in. They are as follows:
- WH40K or BRB - Main 40K rulebook
- FAQ x.xx - FAQ's published by GW
- US WD xxx- White Dwarf US publication
- GW Website- Pdf's Downloadable on Games Workshop's Website
- Apoc- Apocolypse Rulebook
- BM - Battle Missions Rulebook
- CA volx- Chapter Approved vol x
- COD - Cities of Death Rulebook
- SL-School League Pdf Download
- PE - Planetary Empires Rulebook
- PS - Planetstrike Rulebook
- SH - Spearhead Rulebook
- C:CD - Codex: Chaos Daemons
- C:CSM - Codex: Chaos Space Marines
- C:E - Codex: Eldar
- C:DE - Codex: Dark Eldar
- C:GK - Codex: Grey Knights
- C:IG - Codex: Imperial Guard
- C:O - Codex: Orks
- C:N - Codex: Necrons
- C:TE - Codex: Tau Empire
- C:SM - Codex: Space Marines
- C:BT - Codex: Black Templars
- C:BA - Codex: Blood Angels
- C:DA - Codex: Dark Angels
- C:SW - Codex: Space Wolves
- C:WH - Codex: Witch Hunters
- IA vol x - Imperial Armour volume x
- IA update xxxx - Imperial Armour update xxxx
- IA Exp - Imperial Armour experimental rules
- IAAPx - Imperial Armour Apocalypse
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gn7. Why hasn't a file been released, I am DISGUSTED at such poor performance, your product sucks blah blah blah ...
There is a complex reason for this and a short one. I'll stick with the short one. This is not our program, we are NOT associated with the company Lone Wolf that makes Army Builder in any way. We do not draw a wage or get any form of compensation from LW, GW, or anyone else. We are a team of volunteers who give up our own time to write, test, and maintain our ab40k files.
We do try to keep to time frames but for a variety of reasons this may not always be possible. If we don't put a release out promptly, we apologize. However, other things (like real life) do have priority. Please bear this in mind before having a go at us, calling us names, running us down and pulling the arms of off your teddy-bear in anger (it gets expensive to stitch them back on!!)
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gn8. What are the roster options for?
They allow you to specify a specific set of options that affect the whole roster, such as certain units, display etc. They are as follows:
- Apocalypse - Select this to show the units and strategems for Apocalpyse games
- Battle Missions - Select this to use the Battle Missions scenarios(in the scenario section).
- Cities of Death - Select this to gain access to the Cities of Death specific items and wargear
- Generic units - Select this and the a blank unit is available which you can set to the points cost, roster position and rename as required
- Imperial Armour - Select this to see the available IA units in the list.
- Non-Codex Materials - Select this to use materials that ask for your opponents permission first.
- Planetstrike - Select this to use the Planetstrike scenarios and strategems.
- Spearhead - Select this to use the Spearhead scenarios and formations.
- Special Characters - This starts out Selected. This shows the named special characters from your codex in the list of available units.
- VDR - Select this to use the Vehice Design Rules to create {macro color1} vehicle units from within your own race of choice.
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gn9. I have a set of {macro color1} house rules which mean I can do anything on a 2+. Can you include them in the files?
We strive to make the files as accurate and legal as possible. Therefore we will only put rules/equipment/units in that are from an official GW or FW publications( i.e. codexes, rulebooks, White Dwarf, Chapter Approved, Studio Q n As, Studio FAQs, etc.). As always if you want to add something different, you are encouraged to download the AB Creator program (its free) and add them yourself!
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gn10. Do you provide tech support for AB3?
No we do not. The suggestions included are a collection of fixes the people who use this site have found to work, but it is not tech support for AB in any way shape or form and as such the normal disclaimer of no responsibility for AB bombing, your PC dissolving, the universe collapsing as a result of trying these tips is in place!!
If you have any problems with AB then check on the Lone Wolf forums HERE.
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gn11. How can I change roster settings without having to start a new list?
From inside AB, go to Roster - Change Rules and select the appropriate settings you would like (BEWARE, this may result in validation errors and possibly AB crashing)
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gn12. How do I get xyz sublist for my xyz army?
To access the different rules for each
race, i.e. traits for Space Marines, legions for Chaos, enclaves for Tau, do the
When Creating a new Roster:
1. Select the race.
2. Goto Choose Rules.
3. Tick the required ruleset you want.
4. Click OK.
From inside AB:
1. Go to Roster.
2. Select Change Rules.
3. Follow steps 2, 3, and 4 from above.
For an explanation of what each ruleset is then click on the question
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gn13. I imported a patch and now everything has gone - help!!
When you import a patch ENSURE THE CHECK BOX THAT SAYS 'DELETE FILES NOT UPDATED BY IMPORT" IS NOT CHECKED unless the patch says otherwise. (Note: this doesnt apply for a full datafile release).
If you have loaded a patch and then find that you have only one race showing in the roster list or AB shows loads of errors then closes it is a fair bet that you left the checkbox set and have fried your data files. You can check this by looking in the AB40K5 folder - there should be around 100 files in there). If you have then you need to delete or move the AB40K5 folder, open AB and import the last major datafile release version and then reapply all the patches on top of this.
If you move the AB40K5 folder or one of the abz files then ensure it is moved out of the data folder otherwise you run the risk of duplicate files and AB will bomb.
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gn14. The datafile seems to be behaving oddly. What did I do?
There are a number of suggestions on ensuring that the files compile correctly on the AB40K site in the questions forum, they are reproduced below:
- All the 40K data files are stored in a folder called ab40k5 in the data directory for AB3. If you installed AB3 in the default location it shoud be: C:\ArmyBuilderEX\data\AB40K5.
- From in AB go to Settings - Development and Debugging and then set Enable datafile debugging. Then go to Tools - Data file debugging and set Always recompile datafiles to on.
- Once you have loaded any roster, then press ctrl + c together. Once the selection box shows, select warhammer 40,000 and click compile. Once AB has finished then close AB and reopen it.
- Worse case, close AB, go to the AB40K5 folder and remove the data.abz and core.abz files (move them to a folder that is not in the data folder) and then reopen AB and select Warhammer 40,000.
- If you find oddities when using a new file it could be a bug or AB has messed the patch compilation a bit. Check the relevant project's bug report list on the front page of the site for a known bug. If you can't find the problem then try the forum. If the file is not behaving as it should be then someone will let you know. Try recompiling or even reinstalling AB.
If you move the AB40K5 folder or one of the abz files then ensure it is moved out of the data folder otherwise you run the risk of duplicate files and AB will crash.
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gn15. What does 'NCM' stand for in front of an army list?
This indicates that the option is either an expansion list or non-core list provided by GW. To access it you must do the following:
- Go to Roster
- Change Rules
- Under Roster Options - Select Non Codex Materials
You will be given a warning message regarding using items that need your opponents permisson.
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gn16. When will xyz be added?
Simple answer....when it's done.
Try to remember that everyone who works on the 40k files are volunteers and do also have real lives to attend to. If you feel that something is taking too long, feel free to ask if someone is actually working on it, and if no-one is .... volunteer to do it yourself - that's how many of us got involved with the files.
To give a less simple answer to the above question: The plan at the moment is to get the main codexes done, then sublists, then Imperial Armour. Of course, the various authors work at different rates, so some files may be more advanced than others.
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gn17. Why isn't xyz in the files?
It could be for a number of reasons - the most likely at the moment being that we haven't got around to it yet. Just ask. Otherwise it may just be something so oddball that we just don't know about it, or think it's worthwhile doing to work to get it in (there's that real life thing again). If it's the latter then there is nothing stopping you from making the file for it yourself and sharing it with others for them to use.
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gn18. I'm new to AB3.x , for many units the stats have 2 entries separated by a slash (ex. under the "A" column for a Space Marine Veteran Sergeant lists 2/3) What does this mean?
The first number(before the slash) is the base value that is listed in the model's profile. The second number(after the slash) is the modified value that changes from wargear, special abilites, etc.Whenever a model (or models) have a second ccw, or anything else that would modify the attacks, AB shows the extra attack this provides.
This function works for the other stats as well. For instance a Space Marine carrying a Power fist will show the Strength stat as 4/8 - 4 is the basic Strength value (used for rolling when the fist isn't used), and 8 for the fist when it's used. This particular Power Fist example also affects the Initiative stat showing 4/1 - 4 base, and 1 when using the Power Fist. The reason for this function is to prevent players from constanly referencing the rules/codexes to work out what the base and adjusted values are for each stat. The intent is to save time and sanity during play.
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gn19. I was talking to a GW {macro color1}er rep and he stated that I could do something which is not allowed in your files, can you correct this obvious error?
The AB40k files are written to fit the rules as they are published by GW/FW. We will only utilize these forms of media, period. Until something is updated/published by them, there will NOT be a change.
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gn20. I have a problem that only started happening with the last update. When I try to load all of my saved rosters it tells me:"Roster created with different version of data files." What is the problem here?
As stated in the files when being compiled, saved rosters will almost never work because of major changes to the files. This is not a bug, it's simply a result of the continued revisions to the files to improve them.
The best thing that you can do is import the previous version and when the screen that comes up asks you what folder to save it to, pick something like AB40K5_OLD or some other type of identifier. Then when you load up AB, pick the folder where you have saved the previous version of the file. This will then load up and then you can load your roster there and it will start up as it should before.
Note that you will have to ignore the warnings about trying to update THAT version of the files as it will nag you constantly on startup. But at least this will give you the chance to load, and print your rosters.
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gn21. What happened to all of the 'Named' Special Characters? They are gone, where did they go?
Go to the Roster Settings and make sure the 'Special Characters' setting is selected. This is normally selected by default. If this is not seleceted all 'Named'
Special Characters will not be choosable.
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gn22. When I decide to lower the count in my squad, the '+' and '-' buttons work fine, but the 'Specify Model Count' and 'Decrement Model Count' Functions don't always seem to work, Why is this?
Currently there is a bug with the Army Builder program that sometimes greys out those functions even when a model count can still be lower. We have no idea when this bug is to be repaired. So the current work around is to use the '+/-' icons.
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School League
================================================================sl1. Where are the rules found for this rule set?
The School League rules are found as a download on the GW website. The current link to these rules are listed HERE.
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sl2. Why do I get an Validation Error when I take two Elites options?
Please check the rules for the School League. It specifically limits you to 0-1 Elites choices.
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sl3. Why do I get an Validation Error when I take more than one Fast Attack/Heavy Support?
Please check the rules for the School League. It specifically limits you to 0-1 Fast Attack OR Heavy Support choices.
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Codex: Black Templars
================================================================bt1. Why don't my Black Templars show the strength and initiative bonus from Furious Charge in my roster?
The bonus from Furious Charge is conditional (i.e., it only applies when the unit in question charges), and conditional bonuses are rarely shown inorder to avoid confusion.
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bt2. I have noticed that the program only allows you to have one cenobyte servitor, where 3 are actually allowed for my Black Templar Chaplain.
You can change the number of these servitors by using the "+" button when you have the servitor highlighted.
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bt3. When giving a Black Templar Sword Bretheren a power weapon the program only allows me to have that alone without the original bolter, I think I should be able to have both, what am I missing?
Please direct your attention to the never read Options paragraph on page 30, specifically "Any model who takes an upgrade weapon loses the weapon he was originally armed with unless otherwise stated."
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bt4. When I take storm sheilds for the units that allow them, the invulnerable save shows up as a 3+. My codex states it should be a 4+ only in close combat. What am I missing?
Check the current online Games Workshop FAQ. Storm Shields were updated to confer a 3+ invulnerable save all of the time.
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bt5. When I give my Command Squad Sergent 'Terminator Honours' and then when I give the rest of the squad 'Terminator Honours' it seems that everyone else can take extra equipment from the Black Tremplars Armoury now. Why is this and what am I missing?
It's not everyone, just the Specialist models.
The command squad entry on page 33 in the codex, the line right above the Sergeant rule, states that all specialists with 'Terminator Honours' may select additional equipment from the Black Templars Armoury.
The Apothecary, Standard Bearer, and Champion could select items from the Armoury, the Initiates cannot, which is what is currently the case.
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bt6. I'd like to arm one of my Initiates with both a plasma pistol and power weapon. However, I am unable to apply both of these choices to the same Initiate. Is this an issue with the data file, or is that the way the Codex is intended to work?
It is the opinion of the maintainers that the options are separate. Thus you have the first option with the "Up to two initiates...", Then you are given the one initiate may..." That one initiate cannot be one of the up to two initiates.
Of course nothing officially says that the above is true so you can do what you like.
You will just have to apply the two choices seperately to individual troops.
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Codex: Blood Angels
================================================================ba1. Why can't I increase the number of Scouts in the Blood Angel Scout Squad, I can't make a legal squad?
You need to make sure that the Scout entry is highlighted (that is, the Scout entry which is underneath the Troops: Scout Squad entry), At that point you can use the "+" button to increase the number of scouts in the squad to make it legal.
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ba2. When selecting the meltagun in a Blood Angels Assault Squad, the indicated cost for a melatgun of 10 points changes into 28 points after selection - of course the unit costs increases by the same value. Same happens with the Flamer - changes from 5 to 23 points and Plasmagun from 15 to 33 points. This doesn't seem accurate. Why are the files like this?
When taking a meltagun on an assault marine the Attack(A) value will change on the profile. A new line is added to the unit with a new model, the squad would now be one model larger than it was before(including the cost for the extra model). To return to the orignal squad size, all you need to do is use the "-" on the base unit (top line of the unit) in order to lower the count back to your intended size.
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ba3. When I add a Flamer, Plasma Gun, or Meltagun to a Blood Angel Assault Squad, an extra marine is added, and the number of unupgraded marines goes to 6 models but I only want 5. How do I do that?
Highlight the Assault Squad entry. Use the "-" button and you can decrease the model count to 3. You can also use the "Decrement Model Count" and/or "Specify Model Count" functions, however, they may not always work(Check General FAQ Question gn22).
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ba4. When selecting a unit of the Blood Angels Death Company the unit shows with only 1 model (it should default to 3). The interface will not allow you to increase the # of models. The "+" and "-" buttons are greyed out and attempting to set the unit size doesn't allow you to change it from 1. What am I supposed to do?
What you need to do is over on the right hand side under the "Add Units" header. Add one and you can add wargear as you would like. You can add as many models as you need to have the different wargear load outs seperately. Also if you choose to have more than one model of the same wargear load out you can just add more with the "+" button while that line is selected.
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ba5. When purchasing a Blood Angel Furioso Librarian, the options for extra armour, magna-grapple, frag cannon, heavy flamer and searchlights aren't available. Why is this?
As per the Blood Angel Games Workshop Online FAQ:
"Q: Can a Furioso Librarian take additional wargear (such as extra armour)? (p29)
A: No."
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ba6. When I choose a unit of Vanguard Veterans, why is there only a Sergeant and no other models listed?
This unit needed to work differently because of its options. The standard design that we use on normal squads wasn't accurately showing the stat line changes when certain weapons/wargear were taken. The way it is now the stat line is shown accurately by each model with that exact wargear load out.
Here is how to work this unit:
When you first select the squad you start without any Vanguard Veteran models chosen . You then need to select the Veteran button under the "add unit" header on the right. This will add a model to your unit. At that point you will need to select the line of the model you have added. Then decide what load out of weapons/wargear you will be using for that model, if you would like more than one of that exact load out of wargear then simply you can use the + button to multiply that single model to however many you want(easy way versus adding all of them as singles). If you would like to add another model that will a have different weapons/wargear then you will need to go back to the top line(aka the squad line) and add another model just like before. Also, the squad line is where all of the options that are chosen for the squad as a whole are located(like the bikes, transports, whole squad wargear, etc.).
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Codex: Chaos Daemons
================================================================Currently Empty
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Codex: Chaos Space Marines
================================================================cm1. Where is IA7's Lord Zuhfor and How do I add him?
You need to select the Chaos Space Marines, and then select the Servants of Decay Army List. As per ForgeWorld's FAQ, these characters should only be selected in their army list (or even specific scenario mentioned). Also there may be the situation where the unit was never even given a designation (HQ) - such units will only be found under the All Units tab - which does not apply to Zhufor the Impaler.
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cm2. When I take Typhus a new unit 'appears' under the Troops section called Plague Zombies. What is this and why did it appear?
On page 61 of the Chaos Space Marines codex, please read Typhus's special rule called Plague Zombies.
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Codex: Dark Angels
================================================================da1. The Dark Angels codex states that the ravenwing attack squads can take a landspeeder. There is no option showing for a land speeder in these squads. Why is this?
There is a requirement with the Ravenwing attack squadron in order to get a Land Speeder. You have to take 6 bikes.(last bullet under options, pg. 85). Once you have 6 bikes chosen in the squad the option to choose the landspeeder option will appear right below the Attack Bike option.
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da2. When I take storm sheilds for the units that allow them, the invulnerable save shows up as a 3+. My codex states it should be a 4+ only in close combat. What am I missing?
Check the current online Games Workshop FAQ. Storm Shields were updated to confer a 3+ invulnerable save all of the time.
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da3. The codex states when I take 'Belial, Master of the Deathwing' I can make 'Deathwing Terminator Squads' a Troops choice. How do I do that?
Firstly add Belial to the Roster, then add a Deathwing Terminator Squad. Next, In the Deathwing Terminator Squad's Unit Options(at the right), the lowest tab is called Roster Change, there is a box for you to decide if they should be Troops or Elites.
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da4. The codex states when I take 'Sammael , Master of the Ravenwing' I can make 'Ravenwing Attack Squadrons' a Troops choice. How do I do that?
Firstly add Sammael to the Roster, then add a Ravenwing Attack Squadron. Next, In the Ravenwing Attack Squadron's Unit Options(at the right), the lowest tab is called Roster Change, there is a box for you to decide if they should be Troops or Elites.
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Codex: Dark Eldar
================================================================de1. When adding a Dias of Destruction to Asdrubael Vect, the previous versions required you add the 9 other models to the Dias, as the Codex requires. In the latest patch, this seems to be missing. Or are these models now selected independent of the Dias?
These units are currently chosen independently of the Dias. Trying to keep all the legalities of the units/models hitching a ride on the Dais was turning into a programming nightmare. Also this is something that is decided at deployment. Which means that you could possibly have multiple units in your army list that could "hitch a ride" on the Dias.
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de2. I can't find the option where I can take Wracks as Troops when I use Urien Rakarth and his Special Rule "Master Haemonculus". Where are they?
When you add anything that is Force Organization Chart(FOC) changer to the list, any affected units are automatically switched. There is not a function in AB to change the location of a unit in the 'Availible Units' section. So you will need to add your unit that will be found in the same FOC section as in the codex. They will automatically switch when added to your list.
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de3. When selecting a Helliarch in a Hellion squad the options for the Venom Blade, Stun Claw, Power Weapon or Agoniser are missing. Where are they?
The codex states the Helliarch has to replace the hellglaive with "a splinter pistol and one of the following:". When you select the Splinter Pistol option the other options appear underneath, you can't have one of those special weapons without the splinter pistol.
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de4. I am unable to select a Venom as a transport when my model count is 6 or larger, why is this?
The Dark Eldar codex is very clear that you cannot take a Venom if the squad's model count is larger than the Venom's capacity. Please re-read page 90, under the heading Dedicated Transports.
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de5. I can't figure out how to work the Haemonculus unit, can you please explain it to me?
This unit needed to work differently because of its options. The standard design that we use on normal squads would not accurately show the stat line changes when certain weapons/wargear were taken. The way it is now the stat line is shown accurately by each model with that exact wargear load out.
Here is how to work this unit:
When you first select your Haemonculus you start with one model chosen . Now, there are two ways to add more Haemonculi:
If you would like to add another model that will a have different weapons/wargear then you will need to select the 'Add a Haemonculus' button under the "add unit" header on the righ. This will add another model line to your unit. At that point you will need to select the line of the model you have added and then can adjust the weapons/wargear accordingly. If you would like to add another model that will a have different weapons/wargear then you will need to go back to the top line and add another model line just like before.
If you want more than one of to have the exact same load out of wargear then simply you can use the + button to multiply that single model to however many you want(easy way versus adding all of them as singles).
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de6. I get an error when I attach three Haemonculi to my squads, I can have three as one HQ choice. What is the problem here?
You should create one unit and add two other Haemonculi to that unit.(1 HQ slot will be used). The attaching of each seperate Haemonculi to specific squads is only done at deployment.
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Codex: Eldar
================================================================el1. How do I Add the Farseer to a Warlock Unit?
Add a Farseer to your list, in add units tab, Select the add Detached Warlock Unit. Then Left click and Drag the farseer to the Warlock Unit.
Note: you can also do this to add the farseer to other units like Guardians.
Once the Farseer is moved into a unit with a warlock that can give Enhance, You can give the farseer Enhance by selecting in the Psychic tab under the farseer, "Warlock Gives Enhance", without it coming back with an error.
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el2. How do I Add Jet bikes to the Warlocks if taken?
From the Warlocks Unit, Under transport tab, choose "Give unit Jetbikes!"
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el3. How do I give a unit Enhance from the warlock's power?
At the root unit that has a warlock added to it has a selection called "Warlock gives Enhance!" Select this. But also you will need to have a warlock selected that has this power.
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el4. Only 2 Fusion pistols are allowed in a Harlequin unit?
The way Harlequin are written in their codex, it allows the Troupe master and Shadow seer access to the use of the Fusion pistols. There are only 2 allowed to the unit so if one or both take one, then they are taken from the pool listed on the Harlequin troops gear list.
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el5. How do I get Wraithguard to be treated as a "Troops" choice?
To make the Wraithguard a Troops choice there are two steps just like in the codex:
1. Make sure you have the unit maxed out to 10 models.
2. Add a warlock, then upgrade the warlock to a spiritseer.
Once those things have occurred, you will see in the roster tab of the Wraithguard which now shows "Count as Troops". Select this and the unit will be added to the troops choices.
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el6. Where are the Phoenix Lords, How do you add them?
As with other Named Characters, The Phoenix Lords are viewable as long as the Special Character roster option is selected. They are located in the HQ area of the availible units, listed as "Phoenix Lords".
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el7. Bel-Annath is missing an option for "Alternate Army Selection" on Page 145 of IA11. Reduces Elites by one and Troops by two, subsequently adding an extra Heavy Support slot for validation purposes. What can I do?
This is handled at time of list creation. When you make a new Eldar roster, select Imperial Armour, Non-Codex Materials and (NCM) Mymeara Craftworld.
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el8. Unable to find any details of the Eldar Corsair list in the latest datafile. Where is this?
Start an Eldar list, choose Non-codex Materials in the rules, and then (NCM) Eldar Corsairs in the Codex section.
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el9. "Ruleset NCM Eldar corsairs is invalid for current settings" What am I doing wrong?
In order to tackle this you should have the following switches:
Imperial Armour (not checked)
Non-Codex Materials (checked)
(NCM) Eldar Corsairs (checked)
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Codex: Grey Knights
================================================================gk1. When I choose a unit of Terminators there is only one terminator and one justicar, where is the rest of them?
This unit needed to work differently because of its options. The standard design that we use on normal squads wasn't accurately showing the stat line changes when certain weapons/wargear were taken. The way it is now the stat line is shown accurately by each model with that exact wargear load out.
Here is how to work this unit:
When you first select the squad you start with only one terminator model chosen. You need to decide what load out of weapons/wargear you will be using for that model, if you would like more than one of that exact load out of wargear then simply you can use the + button to multiply that single model to however many you want(easy way versus adding all of them as singles). If you want to have other terminators with different weapons and wargear then you then need to select the terminator button under the "add unit" header on the right(If you would like to have Anvil Thawn then just check that box). This will add another model to your unit. To adjust the weapons/wargear loadout of newly added model, select the line of that model. If you would like to add another model that will a have different weapons/wargear then you will need to go back to the top line(aka the squad line) and add another model just like before. Also, the squad line is where all of the options that are chosen for the squad as a whole are located(like the bikes, transports, whole squad wargear, etc.).
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gk2. When I take the Brotherhood Banner, Why isn't the extra attack being added to the squad's profile?
The decision of the maintainers was to let this for the player to add in. The reason behind this is you are only entitled to get the bonus to the attacks as long as the model carrying the banner is alive. This is to prevent players from accidentally adding the bonus even when the banner holder is gone.
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gk3. Grey Knight Strike Squads allow for you to use the add unit Grey Knight button to go well above the squad cap of 10. Is this a bug?
This is not a bug. This is a small part of the way the 'add a grey knight' button works(this is actually the same for all 'add unit' buttons). There is a Validation Error at the bottom of the screen and the squad does 'turn red' showing an error.
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gk4. I can't find 'Lord Kaldor Draigo', 'Grand Master Mordrak', 'Inquisitor Coteaz', etc. Where are they?
Go to the Roster Settings and make sure the 'Special Characters' setting is selected. This is normally selected by default. If this is not seleceted all 'Named'
Special Characters will not be choosable.
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gk5. When adding an Apothecary to a Paladin squad the addtional cost as 130pts. Why isn't it only 75pts?
Page 89 of the codex states that one model can be upgraded to an Apothecary for 75 points, so unless GW releases an errata stating they meant add then the files will remain as they are. Upgrading would require that a model already be a Paladin, so it's 75pts added to the 55pts for the Paladin for a total of 130pts.
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gk6. Why are there two Ordo Malleus Inquisitor listings at different points costs?
If you widen the name column you will see that those two listings are different. The 65pt listing is actually called 'Ordo Malleus Inquisitor In Terminator Armour', this is the listing to be used if you want a Terminator Armoured Inquisitor. The 25pt listing is called 'Ordo Malleus Inquisitor', this is the listing to be used for anything not involved with Terminator Armour.
The reason behind this separation is that Terminator Armour drastically changes the unit's wargear options, to code the unit options would be a nightmare. The current way is considerably easier to code.
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gk7. The Nemesis Falchions are only adding one attack, shouldn't this be two?
No, The current Grey Knights GW FAQ clearly states that only one additional attack is granted.
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gk8. When adding Inquisitorial Henchman Warbands following Inquisitor Coteaz's "Lord of Formosa" special rule, why are they taking up a Troops Slot on the Force Organization?
The current Grey Knights GW FAQ states that they indeed count as a Troops choice including filling the slot.
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gk9. When building an Inquisitorial Henchman Warband, why is there no stats and no models?
This unit needed to work differently because of it options. The standard design that we use on normal squads wasn't accurately showing the stat line changes when certain weapons/wargear were taken. The way it is now the stat line is shown accurately by each model with that exact wargear load out.
Here is how to work this unit:
When you first select the squad you start without an Inquisitorial Henchman models chosen . You then need to select the button of your Henchman choice under the "Add Unit" header on the right. This will add a model to your unit. At that point you will need to select the line of the model you have added. If you have chose the Banisher, Servitor, or Acolyte, you then need to decide what load out of weapons/wargear you will be using for that model. If you would like more than one(duplicate) of that exact load out of wargear then simply you can use the + button to multiply that single model to however many you want(easy way versus adding all of them as singles). If you would like to have another model that will have different weapons/wargear then you will need to go back to the top line(aka the squad line) and add another model with the buttons under "Add Unit" just like before. Also, the squad line is where all of the options that are chosen for the squad as a whole are located(like the transports).
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Codex: Imperial Guard
================================================================ig1. How do I create Regiments from the IA books?
To create a regiment from the IA books carry out the following:
- Click on the small Clipboard icon
- Click on Roster Options
- Click on Non-Codex Materials
- Click on Guard Regiments (IA)
- Click on the regiment you want
- Click OK
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ig2. I was under the impression that the GW FAQ clarifies that the two guardsmen required for a Heavy Weapons Team comes out of the "other" three that can take special weapons? Please tell me I'm wrong and the way it is is correct.
In the GW FAQ, The bullets stated that two other guardsmen(in other words two that haven't been chosen a special weapon) are selected to be the Heavy Weapon Team, so yes you can have 3 special weapons and a Heavy Weapon Team.
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ig3. There doesn't appear to be any way to get a squad up to 10 man. What am I doing wrong?
The squad can be dialed up(with the '+' button) to 9+1 Sergeant. This is a full sized unit. See page 95 of your Codex: Imperial Guard.
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Codex: Necrons
================================================================ne1. The Necron transports (Ghost Ark and Night Scythe) are not checking for errors when you attempt to add too many troops to the unit they are attached to. Shouldn't there be an error?
Unless your codex specifically lists that the unit MUST fit in the transport(ie Dark Eldar), you can buy the transport regardless of unit size. The only issue would be if the unit bought with the transport is too large to fit, then it couldn't ride until it became smaller.
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ne2. There is something wrong with how the Royal Court acts when attached to units. Is there something wrong?
It was originally a plan to have moving models from the main court to take their place as "command" models for a squad. However it was determined that this flexibility would cause more problems and possible nightmares than desired and thus not instituted. However, AB does have that capability built into it. Thus you are doing something which is possible within the program, but not supported by the datafile when you try to move models from one unit to another. Or quite simply, don't do this, because you are causing problems that we do not intend to fix other than making it possible to prevent what you are doing...
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Codex: Orks
================================================================or1. When I choose a unit of Nobz, why is there no stats and no models?
This unit needed to work differently because of its options. The standard design that we use on normal squads wasn't accurately showing the stat line changes when certain weapons/wargear were taken. The way it is now the stat line is shown accurately by each model with that exact wargear load out.
Here is how to work this unit:
When you first select the squad you start without any Nobz models chosen . You then need to select the Nobz button under the "add unit" header on the right(If you would like to have a Painboy then just check the box). This will add a model to your unit. At that point you will need to select the line of the model you have added. Then decide what load out of weapons/wargear you will be using for that model, if you would like more than one of that exact load out of wargear then simply you can use the + button to multiply that single model to however many you want(easy way versus adding all of them as singles). If you would like to add another model that will a have different weapons/wargear then you will need to go back to the top line(aka the squad line) and add another model just like before. Also, the squad line is where all of the options that are chosen for the squad as a whole are located(like the bikes, transports, whole squad wargear, etc.).
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or2. When I select a Mekboy for my Loota mob using the "star" button, they show as costing me points but they should be free?
The upgrade is free, but when you add a Mekboy to the squad you are essentially adding another Loota model to the mob. You will need to reduce the number of Loota models using the "-" button and then the points will even out. That is, you start with 5 Loota models in the mob. When you add the Mekboy, you will now have 5 Lootas and one Mekboy for a total of 6 models in the mob. If you reduce the Loota models by one you will now have a minimum squad consisting of 4 Loota models and one Mekboy (which will then be the same cost as if there were only 5 Loota models).
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or3. In the Orks codex you can replace a Warboss's/Big Mek's slugga and choppa for 40 points for mega armour. There is not an option under these units in the current version of the army builder data file. Why is that?
The Warboss and Big Mek in the files are split into two verisons, the basic warboss/big mek (which does not have the mega armour option) and the warboss/big mek with mega armour (which automatically comes with the mega armour at the +40 point cost). So if you choose to have a warboss/big mek with the mega armour option then just select the like unit listed with "Mega Armoured" in their name. In this case we chose not to program this the same way as you would using pen and paper. This is primarily a programming/formatting choice which is considerably less complex. (The same situation is present on certain SM units with power armour/terminator armour options).
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or4. The default Boyz Mob weapons are the choppa & slugga. If you add a Nob and give him a PowerKlaw, then change the mobs' weapons to "Shoota", there is an option error. If you give the mob shootas first, then the Nob does not have the option to upgrade to a Powerklaw. The GW FAQ states that I can, is this a bug?
When you look at the Boyz Nob, you will note a heading under Weapon of "Apply Mob Shoota Option" with an "x" in it. This means the Nob is mirroring the squad. If you want to have the "timed" upgrade given in the FAQ, remove this checkmark. This will treat the Nob as being upgraded independently of the squad. This will allow the Power Klaw to be legal if you have changed it before applying the shoota option for the mob, or allow you to choose the Power Klaw if you have already upgraded the mob with shootas. Just remember you cannot have a Shoota Boy Nob with a basic Choppa/Slugga.
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or5. When I choose a unit of Warbuggies, where are the stats?
This works differently than normal units because you could choose up to three different vehicles in the squadron.
Here is how to work this unit:
When you first select the squad you start without any Warbuggies chosen . You then need to select which Warbuggies you want by clicking the specific button under the "add unit" header on the right. This will add a warbuggy of your choice to your unit. At that point you will need to select the line of that warbuggy you have added. Then decide what load out of weapons/wargear you will be choosing, then if you would like more than one of that exact load out of wargear then simply you can use the + button to multiply that single warbuggy to however many you need(easy way versus adding all of them as singles). If you would like to add another warbuggy that will have different weapons/wargear then you will need to go back to the top line(aka the squad line) and add another one just like before.
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or6. When I take the Waaagh! Banner, Why isn't the extra WS adding to the squad's profile?
The decision of the maintainers was to let this for the player to add in. The reason behind this is you are only entitled to get the bonus as long as the model carrying the banner is alive. This is to prevent players from accidentally adding the bonus even when the banner holder is gone.
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or7. When using Wazdakka Gutsmek as an HQ. How do I make my Warbiker Mobs a Troops choice?
You will sitll access them in the Fast Attack section of AB. Once added to the list, Wazdakka grants Warbikes the option of being a Troops choice rather than a Fast Attack choice. Here's how:
1-Add Wazzdakka
2-Select a Warbiker Mob or add a Warbiker Mob to the list
3-On the right of the Warbiker Mob's entry at the bottom there is a Roster Change header, select the 'Count as Troop' box.
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IA8: Raven Guard
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IA6: Red Scorpions
================================================================Currently Empty
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Codex: Sisters of Battle
================================================================sb1. The Sisters of Battle need to have the Repressor added to thier choices of transport. Stats are available on Forge World's website. Or are they already there?
Go to the roster options and enable Imperial Armour, then the units that can take Repressors as transports will have it shown at the bottom of the options panel on the right.
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Codex: Space Marines
================================================================sm1. When adding Specialists, how do I get a minimum size Command Squad?
After adding the Specialist (Apothecary, Standard Bearer, Champion) to the Command Squad, select the Command Squad and use the +/- button to reduce the squad size.
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sm2. What's the deal with fire points, a Rhino can have two models fire from the hatch but it says 1 Fire Point?
The Fire Point as noted in the files represents the number of places on the model in which they may fire from the vehicle. The codex in question will state the number of models which may use those fire points.
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sm3. Why can't I take Hellfire rounds with my Space Marine Captain/Chapter Master? The codex says I can!
The codex states that hellfire rounds may only be taken with a boltgun (See C:SM, pg. 100). The program knows this and "hides" Hellfire rounds from view unless you have a boltgun.
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sm4. When adding a company champion to a command squad, the free power weapon is not showing. All that shows is a Bolt Pistol and Chansword. What's the deal here?
Two words...Competition Output. Switch it off an you will see the power weapon right under the base options of Bolt Pistol and Chainsword. Competition Output will only list options that can be changed or added, since the PW is not changeable on the Company Champion it will not show when Competition Ouput is switched on.
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sm5. In the Imperial Armour vol.9 Tyrant's Legion List, I want to give the Legion Auxilia's Prefect a Bolt Pistol and Power Weapon as per the listing. The file does not allow this, is this a bug?
This is not a bug. IA9 says he can replace either his Laspistol or CCW, not both.
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sm6. When I take the 'Master of the Forge' it allows me to choose to take any 'Dreadnoughts' as a Heavy Support choices. How do I do that?
Firstly add the Master of the Forge to the Roster, then add any Dreadnoughts to the roster. Next, In the Dreadnought's Unit Options(at the right), the lowest tab is called Roster Change, there is a box for you to select if you choose to have them count as Heavy Support.
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sm7. I thought that I had seen somewhere that Space Marines have a rule that if an Assault Marine Unit is chosen and the Jump Packs are removed, they turn into a Troops Choice. Is this true?
No, that is not the case. You may have been misreading your codex. It is clearly stated that when you take an Assault Marine Unit and remove the Jump Packs that they become Infantry(No Longer Jump Infantry). Note that this desisnation change does NOT have anything to do with the Force Organization Slot the unit fills up.
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sm8. When I choose a unit of Vanguard Veterans, why is there only a Sergeant and no other models listed?
This unit needed to work differently because of its options. The standard design that we use on normal squads wasn't accurately showing the stat line changes when certain weapons/wargear were taken. The way it is now the stat line is shown accurately by each model with that exact wargear load out.
Here is how to work this unit:
When you first select the squad you start without any Vanguard Veteran models chosen . You then need to select the Veteran button under the "add unit" header on the right. This will add a model to your unit. At that point you will need to select the line of the model you have added. Then decide what load out of weapons/wargear you will be using for that model, if you would like more than one of that exact load out of wargear then simply you can use the + button to multiply that single model to however many you want(easy way versus adding all of them as singles). If you would like to add another model that will a have different weapons/wargear then you will need to go back to the top line(aka the squad line) and add another model just like before. Also, the squad line is where all of the options that are chosen for the squad as a whole are located(like the bikes, transports, whole squad wargear, etc.).
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sm9. When I choose a Captain and give him a bike, how do I make the Bike Squads count as Troops choices?
You will sitll access them in the Fast Attack section of AB. Once added to the list, The Bike Captain grants Bike Squads(of 5 models or more) the option of being a Troops choice rather than a Fast Attack choice. Here's how:
1-Add Captain in Power Armour, select Space Marine Bike wargear
2-Select a Bike Squad or add a Bike Squad to the list
3-Make sure the squad chosen is at or above 5 models
4-On the right of the Bike Squad's entry at the bottom there is a Roster Change header, select the 'Count as Troop' box.
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Codex: Space Wolves
================================================================sw1. How do I arm my Wolf Guard seperately or add more Wolf Guard to a squad?
This unit needed to work differently because of its options. The standard design that we use on normal squads wasn't accurately showing the stat line changes when certain weapons/wargear were taken. The way it is now the stat line is shown accurately by each model with that exact wargear load out.
Here is how to work this unit:
When you first select the squad you start without any Wolf Guard models chosen . You will need to select the appropriate button under the "add unit" header on the right. This will add a model to your unit. At that point you will need to select the line of the model you have added. Then decide what load out of weapons/wargear you will be using for that model, if you would like more than one of that exact load out of wargear then simply you can use the + button to multiply that single model to however many you want(easy way versus adding all of them as singles). If you would like to add another model that will a have different weapons/wargear then you will need to go back to the top line(aka the squad line) and add another model just like before. Also, the squad line is where all of the options that are chosen for the squad as a whole are located(like the bikes, transports, whole squad wargear, etc.). Also remember that you are prohibited from having more than one model with a Mark of Wulfen, hence the reason that further selection of those model options are removed once one is selected.
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sw2. In the Space Wolves FAQ it states that the power fist/ frost weapon is a 10 point selection instead of 25 points. Why does it seem that the files aren't supporting this?
The FAQ errata only applies to Lords and Battle Leaders in Terminator Armour; For page 84, the FAQ change is to the 5th bullet point. This bullet point is the one that says "Replace Terminator Armour's power weapon with:". The files correctly charge 10pts for the fist or frost weapon for when changing the power weapon on Lord in Terminator Armour, 20pts to change the storm bolter on Terminator Armour, and 25pts for changing the bolt pistol/close combat weapon on power armour. For page 85 the FAQ states the change applies to the 5th bullet point, which is the one titled "Replace Terminator Armour's power weapon with:", and is again correct in the current files. You are misreading the FAQ and thinking that all fists and frost weapons are 10 points, when the errata in the FAQ makes it clear that it only applies to the specific instances of replacing the default power weapon on a Lord or Battle Leader in Terminator Armour - which is made even more obvious by the fact that it's simply adding the frost weapons to the existing power fist option which is already 10pts, and that only occurs for the power weapon swap on Terminator Armour.
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sw3. When taking a Lone Wolf, there is no option to take a Chain Fist. Why?
First thing to check is do you have the correct Lone Wolf. You need to have the roster option "Lone Wolf in Terminator Armour". Note that the Power Armour version does not have an option for a chainfist as per the codex.
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sw4. When upgrading a Grey Hunter with Mark of the Wulfen, another marine is added to the unit making the unit size 6 marines. From my reading of the codex, you should be able to upgrade one of the original 5 marines without having to buy another. What am I doing wrong here?
The 'Mark of the Wulfen' changes the statline, so a new model is added. In order to get back to the original 5, you simply need to select the basic profile line and press the "-" button to reduce the it to 4 models.
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sw5. When adding a Power Fist to a Swiftclaw Biker the cost jumps 50pts and adds another model to the squad, why is this?
When you select the Power Fist it adds a new model line at 50pts - 25pts for the fist, and 25pts for the new model. Now go back to the initial squad line and reduce the model count by 1 to get the squad back to the same size. That's where the extra 25pts is coming from.
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Codex: Tau Empire
================================================================te1. Where is Commander Farsight and how do I get him in my list?
Farsight is supported and can be found by following these easy steps:
When Creating a new Roster:
- Select the race.
- Goto Choose Rules.
- Under the Enclaves header there is an option to choose 'Tau Empire' or 'Tau Farsight' , Tick the 'Tau Farsight' choice.
- Click OK.
From inside AB:
- Go to Roster.
- Select Change Rules.
- Follow steps 2, 3, and 4 from above.
The reason that the file is setup like this is because using Farsight prevents you from taking Aun'Va or Shadowsun and gives the Preferred Enemy:Orks USR to all Tau models in the force. Once the Enclave has been changed to 'Tau Farsight', you will find Farsight listed as an HQ choice for your army.
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te2. Why can I only take a single missile pod or a Twin Linked Missile pod with my Crisis battlesuit, I want to take two missile pods?
The Twin Linked missile pod IS considered to be two missile pods - That is why the option to take two separate single missile pods is not available. You are paying for two weapons that are the same, but they become a twin-linked missile pod that uses up two weapon slots. You don't have the choice to not have them twin-linked, and the points cost reflects that.
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te3. I have 11 firewarriors, 1 Shas'ui and 2 drones. Why am I getting an error when I take a Devilfish transport?
You have too many models in the squad to take the transport, here is why.
Page 36, Firewarrior entry, "Transport: If the squad numbers twelve models or less (including drones)..."
So the maximum loadout with a shas'ui w/ Drone controller (and two drones) is 9 firewarriors as the shas'ui and drones count as 3 models.
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Codex: Tyranids
================================================================ty1. The Hive Tyrant is missing the initial set of scything talons. It only has the Bonded Exoskeleton and Lash Whip/Bone Sword. Is this a Bug?
Nopers, You need to expand your Army Builder roster window so you can see the whole entry.
They read as follows under the Weapons and Biomorphs Tab:
"Bonded Exoskeleton"
"Lash Whip & Bonesword w/Scything Talon"
When in doubt you can always right click each option and it will show you the whole name. Or you could also do a print preview to see if its there and you can't see it.
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ty2. I noticed that upgrading a genestealer to a Broodlord is 46 points base in the codex (page 89 of the codex), but is 60 points in AB. I didn't see a point value change in the FAQ. Is this an incorrect value?
See page 90 of Codex: Tyranid. Genestealer Brood: 14 pts/model. Upgrade one to a Broodlord: 46 pts. 14+46 = 60.
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ty3. When adding a Barbed Strangler or Venom Cannon to a Warrior Brood the unit's total cost goes up more than the 10 or 15 points that those weapons would cost. Why is this?
When taking a Barbed Strangler or Venom Cannon a new line is added to the unit with a new model, the squad would now be one model larger than it was before(including the cost for the extra model). To return to the orignal squad size, all you need to do is use the "-" on the base unit (top line of the unit) in order to lower the count back to your intended size.
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Last Updated: unknown