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9th "O' dear Emperor... NOT AGAIN" Edition

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9th "O' dear Emperor... NOT AGAIN" Edition

#1  Postby Homer_S » Wed Jul 08, 2020 4:14 pm

From an Army Builder perspective, it seems like 9th edition is not that big a change on the surface. It looks like along side the rulebook will be a Chapter Approved with new unit/upgrade costs.

What I would like to do is immediately prior to launch day, post a last 8th edition bug fix/new content, mostly Errata, Legends and Psychic Awakening.

We will then start updating the unit/upgrade costs. In the meantime, people can continue using 8th edition with some bookkeeping until we release. I'm assuming a 30 day blackout period as usual.

I would propose we change the Battle Forged roster for Detachments to behave like Horus Heresy and the French version of the files.
  1. Pick rules as usual.
  2. Create roster.
  3. Select a detachment.
  4. Pick units dynamically within the detachment rather than drag/drop.
  5. Repeat 3 & 4 until you are done.
This will remove the huge headache around rules/options available to units within detachments, limited by Army Bulder behavior/bugs. We will have to do rules on exclusions, like I decide I want a battle forged roster but want Dark Angels and Grey Knights in the same detachment. In that case, no one gets their bonuses as the faction keywords are not unique.

As always, the files get better when people report bugs.

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Re: 9th "O' dear Emperor... NOT AGAIN" Edition

#2  Postby deano » Wed Jul 08, 2020 4:33 pm


Should we even continue on if GW is going to release their own?
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Re: 9th "O' dear Emperor... NOT AGAIN" Edition

#3  Postby Homer_S » Wed Jul 08, 2020 5:27 pm

<cite>deano wrote:</cite>snippage...

Should we even continue on if GW is going to release their own?

I moved the tech discussion to another thread.

I would like to hear from the 700 or so users... do we keep going or rely on GW. Is there a link to the in-house edition? IIRC the last one was junk. If it is this one... there are no points only power ratings.

The only "hobby" GW is interested in is lining their pockets with your money.
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Re: 9th "O' dear Emperor... NOT AGAIN" Edition

#4  Postby deano » Wed Jul 08, 2020 5:34 pm

It's not been released to my knowledge..   The last two attempts have worked poorly.. but GW says (on the WarCom article) they will continue to support this one.

We shall see.
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Re: 9th "O' dear Emperor... NOT AGAIN" Edition

#5  Postby dbgoldberg323 » Thu Jul 09, 2020 4:45 pm

Homer_S wrote:From an Army Builder perspective, it seems like 9th edition is not that big a change on the surface. It looks like along side the rulebook will be a Chapter Approved with new unit/upgrade costs.

Well detachments changed quite a bit too. Not only were some previous detachments removed entirely (air wing) but several have changed in what you can take and what they offer (supreme command, super heavy, etc). Then there's the issue of if AB calculates starting CP because if it does then that has to be completely revamped. Starting CP is now a set value based on the points level or power rating game you're playing (which would both also need to be calculated for 9th still) and taking various detachments cost you various amounts of CP with some of those CP being refunded if your Warlord is in one of the "core" detachments (patrol, battalion, brigade). Of course units like Creed and Guilliman still grant additional CP if they're the warlord so that's even more to factor in. It's unfortunately a heck of a lot more than just unit/upgrade costs for 9th as knowing how much CP you start with before turn one is vital information for an army roster.

deano wrote:The last two attempts have worked poorly.. but GW says (on the WarCom article) they will continue to support this one.

Yes, those were not great (the "Combat Roster" one was a complete joke), however this app is promised to be a continually updated and robust app like Azyr for Age of Sigmar. FYI it is releasing in just a few weeks. Now whether that includes points etc on day one is yet to be determined (probably not, that will probably come on the 25th when everything's out). Anyway, I was one of the people transcribing the Warhammer 40k Daily streams and the main announcement stream and they had mentioned several times that this app will do many things like help track points, lists, rules, collections, and even Crusade stuff, and that now when you buy books you'll get a digital code to enter into the app to unlock that content (sort of like when you buy a battletome's info in Azyr). So this is already infinitely more useful than their previous two attempts lol.

Speak of the devil:

In my honest opinion, Army Builder and Battlescribe are likely going to be... redundant to put it lightly... when the 40k app comes out IF it manages to deliver on what was promised. We'll find out soon enough.
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Re: 9th "O' dear Emperor... NOT AGAIN" Edition

#6  Postby deano » Thu Jul 09, 2020 6:29 pm

Yep.  I just noticed the WarCom article.  It is interesting that it is a Subscription service.  Wonder what the $ number is to keep them updating it if the subscriber tier drop off after a while.  I notice it is in Pounds so I as a yank will pay betwee $5-10 a month due to the exchange rate.  In 4 months it pays for a copy of AB.

As for all the points?  I agree that it will probably coincide with the release of the Munitiorium manual but you will really still need to be a subscriber to write lists electronicly.

Wait and see I guess.

The coding for Command Points will just take some tweaks to what we have and then a touch of coding for the refunds because I dont believe that mechanism is covered.

And in any case we need to keep coding for HH AoD because this app does not mention that (yet).

I would also like to point out that there are only two of us coding and we both hit burnout last fall and havent really bounced back yet. (sorry)  If anyone wants to try their hand at code then grab the AB Creator and have a go.  We gleefully accept coding as a resume or in the bug report.  
If anybody would like to be a beta tester get ahold of us.  

This was an awesome bug report:
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Re: 9th "O' dear Emperor... NOT AGAIN" Edition

#7  Postby Recon13 » Tue Jun 01, 2021 9:08 am


I'm new to the thread and was just wondering if a release date has been given yet as to when a 40k 9th ed data file will be released in army builder?
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Re: 9th "O' dear Emperor... NOT AGAIN" Edition

#8  Postby Lucifaer » Wed Jun 23, 2021 9:50 pm

Updated Status on WH40k 9th Edition Release Date

Greetings & Salutations',

I was hoping to get an update on when you plan to release data files for WH40k 9th Edition?
As the Core Rules has been out for quite some time now as well as several of the new Codices
and I've seen no information on it.

GW's WH40k Application is lacking in many areas especially when it comes to the Imperium as
they didn't separate the Imperium category into individual Codices thus leaving a jumbled
mess to scroll through. Additionally, despite having many of the Codices I can't get the APP
to unlock the Codices I already have. Perhaps someone can inform me as to how to unlock the
Codices I already have?

I love Army Builder and all the time you put in on the data files. You should definitely continue
your amazing work, even in the face of GW's WH40k Application.

Respectfully Submitted,
Wilson, W. P.

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Re: 9th "O' dear Emperor... NOT AGAIN" Edition

#9  Postby lurch » Sun Jun 19, 2022 7:16 pm

i know this is an old thread, but continuing to keep the AB program up to date with 40k files is important.
GW 's version is pay to use, and isnt updated regularly. gear options are not always available, or dont work well.
No export to printed pages for gaming that isnt difficult to make out or understand.. not compact and simple.

battle scribe is free, but it costs you Paper to print 3 pages per unit...

AB is great for ease of use and less printed material. ALL THE WORK you guys do is important to the low budget fans of the game.
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Re: 9th "O' dear Emperor... NOT AGAIN" Edition

#10  Postby wolfeyesbane » Fri Jun 24, 2022 3:52 pm

I would like to know how/where I can volunteer my time with updating the data base file to 9th edition.

I know setting up the file is not something that I am not sure I could do on my own.

Data entry, that I could do all day long to enter as much in as possible / recommended / allowed.
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Re: 9th "O' dear Emperor... NOT AGAIN" Edition

#11  Postby Cylindryk30 » Sun Jul 03, 2022 7:15 pm

Anyone have files on how things works internal in these files?
I would love to work/maintain new Horus Heresy rules, but, well, inside files are... not-user-friendly imo. :(
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Re: 9th "O' dear Emperor... NOT AGAIN" Edition

#12  Postby deano » Wed Jul 06, 2022 10:11 pm

Only Homer knows for sure but I think I am gonna start messing with points and see if I can remember how to add units.  He really only had the Red books and the Black books to book 5..   I was trying to add book 9 last time I messed with it...

What army is your focus?
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Re: 9th "O' dear Emperor... NOT AGAIN" Edition

#13  Postby Cylindryk30 » Mon Jul 11, 2022 4:36 pm

Well, since HH in files of 6th edition are... very, very strange and not intuitive (you add FOC then you add units in this FOC), i'm remodelling generic Space marines to generic Horus Heresy Armylist, later planning to add legion options.
But, since this is very side project, I don't know much about programing and I feel like things like "range30" don't say anything to me... it will take some time... like, few months, since I'm doing this via trial and error route.
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