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Include Ability Text In Footnotes?

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Include Ability Text In Footnotes?

#1  Postby Papabrose » Sun Feb 25, 2018 8:16 am


I know yall already do a ton of great work and I appreciate it! I was wondering how possible it would be to put the information for the abilities (not just the names of the abilities) into the footnotes so I don't have to always reference the codex's. Or at least have some way to make it like an option cause I can see why some more advanced players who have all this memorized may not want that?

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Re: Include Ability Text In Footnotes?

#2  Postby Spack » Sun Feb 25, 2018 8:44 am

The files are not a replacement for the codex, they are for creating a list within the restrictions of the rules, and as such will only contain the minimum of information to make this achievable. 

The are also potential copyright issues around including all of this information, and we took the decision a few years back not to include these details any more. We'd rather be able to offer the AB files for 40k for use rather than have the entire project shut down due to the GW legal banhammer.

There is nothing stopping you learning how to use ABCreator and add augmentation files that would add the notes yourself, linking to the AB40k files so they would appear when options were selected. However, there is always a risk that the core files would get changed so that your aug files would no longer work and need to be modified with each release, as modifications to fix bugs and support new lists would inevitably result in chnages that affect most of the files.
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Re: Include Ability Text In Footnotes?

#3  Postby Homer_S » Sun Feb 25, 2018 2:02 pm

Spack is 100% correct.

You can always print out/photocopy the summary pages from your purchased Codex/Index to have with your roster as you play. That would give you most of the rules except for the odd special character.

The only "hobby" GW is interested in is lining their pockets with your money.
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Re: Include Ability Text In Footnotes?

#4  Postby Papabrose » Sun Feb 25, 2018 7:23 pm

That makes sense thanks for your responses!
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