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HH Book 3: Extermination update?

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HH Book 3: Extermination update?

#1  Postby DBeans » Fri Nov 07, 2014 10:46 am

Hi all,

Firstly, I appreciate you are all very busy people, and I really value and have the upmost respect for all the work you put in. As such, this is not a complaint.

I was simply wondering if there maybe an update to the age of darkness files to include the final Isstvan book. I am particularly keen on building a Taghmata army. Obviously with the vast increases in frequency of GW releases, it is inevitable that things can take a long time, and as such have been waiting patiently since its release at the end of March. I was just wondering if there are plans, or maybe even things are currently in progress. Any update would be great.

I apologise if I have posted this in the wrong location.

Many Thanks
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Re: HH Book 3: Extermination update?

#2  Postby Homer_S » Fri Nov 07, 2014 12:03 pm

I am heading back that way. I caught up on all my assigned armies and missing rules. Once Dark Eldar is stable, HH3 and probably 4 are my next conquests.

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Re: HH Book 3: Extermination update?

#3  Postby DBeans » Fri Nov 07, 2014 2:39 pm

Fantastic to hear. Thank you so much. :)
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Re: HH Book 3: Extermination update?

#4  Postby sully » Sat Nov 08, 2014 8:21 pm

Like DBeans, I am not complaining. I am posting now merely to cheer you on!

I can't wait to build my 7th Legion force. Thank in advance for everything you do. You guys are just awesome.
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Re: HH Book 3: Extermination update?

#5  Postby Grimnar42 » Mon Nov 24, 2014 12:54 pm

With HH 4 Conquest now out and the possibility of more 30K stuff in the future would it not be a good idea to split Warhammer 30K off into its own data file now ?
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Re: HH Book 3: Extermination update?

#6  Postby Homer_S » Mon Nov 24, 2014 2:35 pm

Grimnar42 wrote:With HH 4 Conquest now out and the possibility of more 30K stuff in the future would it not be a good idea to split Warhammer 30K off into its own data file now ?

I can look into that. I was thinking there would be a need to have more than just Imperial Forces. Were the other races just watching like it was a drive-in?

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Re: HH Book 3: Extermination update?

#7  Postby thylath » Fri Mar 13, 2015 11:22 pm

Hello, I noticed while using the files that the terror squads in the age of darkness set cannot currently take an apothecary, is there anyway to enable this feature for them?

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Re: HH Book 3: Extermination update?

#8  Postby Homer_S » Mon Mar 16, 2015 12:44 pm

thylath wrote:Hello, I noticed while using the files that the terror squads in the age of darkness set cannot currently take an apothecary, is there anyway to enable this feature for them?

Thank you

Please report this via the Bug Tracker. I'm guessing none of the Legion specific squads can.

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Re: HH Book 3: Extermination update?

#9  Postby KhaosRising » Sun Oct 16, 2016 10:04 pm

So whats happening exactly with Horus Heresy updates? I haven't seen one out in quite some time.
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