They're coming!
Also, you can now order the Talos/Cronos, Venom, and Scourges for delivery on or before the 4th of June:

Edit: Sorry for the huge images.
Ohhh yeah! [DE Advance Orders]
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Re: Ohhh yeah! [DE Advance Orders]I like the flyer, but why aren't the two Engines one kit with options? I didn't see the flyer on the Advanced Orders... hmmm.
Homer The only "hobby" GW is interested in is lining their pockets with your money.
Re: Ohhh yeah! [DE Advance Orders]Read close, it IS the same kit. I think that they just are putting them in seperate boxes...
Re: Ohhh yeah! [DE Advance Orders]They're not even doing that; its the same box art too.
I think they just want to have the two entries in the web store for parents who've been told "I want a cronos parasite engine" and won't have a staffer on hand to explain the two-kits-in-one thing. As for the flyer; that's the fighter kit which should be up for pre-order in two weeks. The bomber isn't out for a while, but is definitely coming, apparently.
Re: Ohhh yeah! [DE Advance Orders]If the rumours are true, there was a problem with the bomber kit which will delay it for quite a while.
As to the fighter, looks like it's not out till June 21st so will be another few weeks till pre-order. Dan
AB40k Site Admin/Beta Tester Age of Strife Owner/Admin: http://www.ageofstrife.com Gaming Figures Partner/Admin: http://www.gamingfigures.com
Re: Ohhh yeah! [DE Advance Orders]Something tells me I might like what they have to put out when they get around to 5E Eldar...
Age of Cash-mar - alienate you fan base and find a new way to squeeze money out of those poor souls!
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