Discussion not related to the 40k datafiles, or anything else in particular.
#46 by Chunky_Baby » Wed Aug 15, 2007 5:44 am
What about Beserkers specifically?
Is it just furious charge, or do they get any of the "feel no pain" back again as I heard a rumour about? Or maybe it was wishful thinking... <sighs>
Also - do they now "beserk" or are they limited to 6" and 6" assault like everyone else?
I'd like to "hope" that they will at least give them overcharged rhinos if it's the same kind of thing as Blood Angels - as it will make taking transports an option again.

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#47 by Rayne » Wed Aug 15, 2007 6:32 am
Berserkers have [edit] higher WS, fearless, furious charge and additional attacks. Rhinos are cheaper and self-repair [end of edit]. Thats about it.
Plague Marines are the ones who have T5 and Feel No Pain. *coughbrokencough*
(Please be careful with the amount of info given, cheers. Harkan)
(I was careful.  I didnt give points for the berserker or any other stats other than WS and how the attacks were given, and i didnt say EVERYTHING about the rhino.  -Rayne)
Last edited by Rayne on Wed Aug 15, 2007 2:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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#48 by Wraithlord » Wed Aug 15, 2007 9:10 am
Their movement is 6 and 6 like everyone else now Chunky but on the bright side, no one is going to make them chase after a vehicle they can hurt anymore.
Oh and while Plague Marines are indeed tough as nails, they are also lower in initiative which means most other marines will be striking first in cc. Evens it up a bit imho.
Thousand Sons: kicking ass like never before

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#49 by Rayne » Wed Aug 15, 2007 2:31 pm
Still tho. Cant be instakilled by any gun other than a demolisher cannon, aor in melee by anything other than a dreadnaught/defiler, and on top of that, they can shrug it off if they roll good? Thats saying alot.
But back to the actual topic of this thread.  Im working on my Tsons Daemon Prince, and i'll show pics in the modeling/painting thread, along with my demo painted Tson and Defiler when the prince and Defiler have anything to show other than bits.
And just so everybody knows.... I hate painting Tsons.  Its pissing me off because they dont want to cooperate. XD

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#50 by Stur » Wed Aug 15, 2007 4:14 pm
They still count as T4 for purposes of what can insta-kill them so anything from a battle cannon up will do the trick.
And you don't have to double their toughness in close combat to stop their FNP rolls just hit them with weapons that ignore armor saves.

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#51 by Chunky_Baby » Thu Aug 16, 2007 6:36 am
hmm... some good things here, but I'm still not convinced.
sorry to get off topic on your thread again, but it's peeing me off that they make these changes so randomly.
oh well... I kinda like my beserkers to have that "wild" streak to them, it made them kinda interesting.
now it's back to the "my marines in red hit your ones in red with exactly the same rules sets..." I'm sort of talking Bood Angels here.
I've had an awful time with games recently so am taking a hiatus. I rolled awful on 8 assault cannons (21 misses and only 3 6's) and then lost 11 Terminators in one round to basically bolter fire...

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#52 by Rayne » Thu Aug 16, 2007 7:26 am
Ive had worse. This is a story that i have cellphone piccys to prove.
Playing my Sisters Vs Necrons.
Exorcist at the monolith. Get 6 shots with the launcher.... All ones.
Rapid Fire 8 bolters and 2 melta guns into a Warrior squad.... All ones.
Bought new dice since i was at the game store and my dice were hating me.
Retributor Squad. 1 Multi Melta and 3 Heavy Bolters.... All ones... and a 2.
Grand total in a single turn... 33 ones... and a two.
Suffice it to say, i lost that game horribly.

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#53 by Chunky_Baby » Fri Aug 17, 2007 1:54 am
ouch... yeah - sometimes the dice just ain't rolling.
I wouldn't mind, but the guy I play is ALWAYS lucky.
It's like his dice are bent.

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#54 by Rayne » Fri Aug 17, 2007 3:00 am
Sounds like a person or two down at my game store.

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#55 by jlong05 » Fri Aug 17, 2007 6:32 am
Those dice rolling issues sounds like the Tau player I played against with my Necrons in the Cities of Death campaign at the LGS. 1 squad of warriors(15 strong) 6 rounds of sustained fire from nearly every unit he had to kill them. Placed my unit in my Medicae (strategem of the C'tan for sure) between his woefully bad rolls and my inability to fail a single save between the Feel no Pain stategem rule and my WBB the next round, I ended up never loosing a single figure from the unit.
Now I admit, when you get a save, an extra save(strategem) and then a WBB you should last forever. 
Last edited by jlong05 on Sat Aug 18, 2007 11:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
The only "hobby" GW is interested in is lining their pockets with your money.

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#56 by Chunky_Baby » Sat Aug 18, 2007 6:31 pm
yes - that is a little blaggy.

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#57 by Rayne » Sat Jan 05, 2008 5:57 am
Well, after a very long hiatus of hating the new Chaos dex and hating my attempt at trying to get the best paintjob i can do on these minis, My Thousand Sons have been scrapped.... Then almost sold... Then i pulled an all nighter so i could at least assemble the legs torso and heads so i could field them in a 20K Apocalypse game on New Years. All told, i assembled over 150 models in a 16 hour period, then without sleeping, went to a game store and played a 12 hour Apoc game.... Then slept the entirety of the next day. XD
All in all, this means that my Thousand Sons.... ARE READY TO BE PAINTED! *duh duh duh tish!*
And they get to go into the painting queue, just like everything else i own....
My painting Queue as it stands goes like this.
- Cypher and Fallen
- Dark Angels Deathwing
- Dark Angels Venerable Dreadnaught
- Dark Angels Devastator Squads....... all 4 of them...
- Dark Angels Tanks... 2 Whirlwinds, 3 Vindicators, 1 Land Raider Ares, 1 Predator
- Skitarii Tanks.... 2 Leman Russes, 1 Destroyer Tank Hunter (that i scratch built out of a spare leman russ chassis, and 1 basilisk)
- Skitarii Baneblades. (Yes. Plural. I own two now.)
- Skitarii Infantry
- Strip paint from all of my Sisters of Battle (to match new paint scheme, and get rid of the old gloss black paint)
- All of my Sisters
- Brass Scorpion/Defiler
- Lord of Change
- Tzeentchian Prince
- Thousand Sons
I shall inform of further progress at a later date. Thankfully, however, I feel that I've pretty much finished my Dark Angels as I want them now, and my IG usually never get fielded by themselves, so i dont need to buy more of thier models either. My Sisters are pretty much set as well, because i bought somebody's WH army, and got somewhere along the lines of 200 more Sisters models, although i could use another Penitent engine.... So long as i dont build the dirty vile thing. And as for my Thousand Sons, the last part of what i need is being shipped as I type from GW... So i wont be buying any more minis until i start a new army! YAY!
Perhaps that means i might actually get around to PAINTING. XD
Anyways. I'll post pics of the models im particularly proud of, when i get them done. Like my Terminator Chaplain... Oh hes so pimpy... Except for the superglue i spilled on him and need to clean off and fix. x.x Anyways, Pics of the good minis when i finish them. ^_^ Toodles!

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#58 by Wraithlord » Sat Jan 05, 2008 6:12 pm
I have finally started in on repainting my Tsons this week. Got my Tau all finished save for a Piranha that can wait and I would like to at the least get my Tson troops painted up in a well done but quick manner. That way I can take all the time I want on the characters.
Thousand Sons: kicking ass like never before

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