Purists will shudder, but we did Imperial Guard vs Nids/Necrons.
We did come up with a story line about how they would work together - it was more a "tolerate" each other - one wanted "souls" the other wanted biomass.
You have to understand our reasoning on the Necron Flayer - I think it makes sense anyway

Anyway - Nid/Necron notable units were both C'Tan, 2 Monoliths, 1 Pylon, a Heirophant Biotitan, various big gribblies and an endless swarm.
Guard (Me) were a Shadowsword, Baneblade, Gorgon - an armoured company, Basilisk battery, a Valkyrie, Company of men (about 150 actual "dudes")
We only got to Turn 2 (

He killed my Baneblade (Nasty Bio Titan) and left 10" pie plate holes in my men and tanks, but I managed to kill the Deceiver, The Pylon and a bunch of random models (including 30+ genestealers and recycled his entire endless swarm).
One thing I would say, and that the BioTitan is one ugly hard to kill &^*%%*%*
He doesn't actually own the model - we have a "Proxy once then turn up with it" rule - it was the only thing proxied on the board - and was represented by a Forgeworld Bloodthirster.
Maybe a bit small lengthwise - but it fit the bill... thing is - he's not using it again and THANK GOD for that... it's horrible...
The sad thing is - all the models bar the Nid's were mine... LOL.. I'm such a collector...
Next up (End of this Month):
15,000 points aside - 4 players - Space Marines (2 Chapters, Imperial Fists and a homemade chapter based on them) vs Traitor Imp Guard and Chaos Space Marines (Mostly Iron Warriors)
Watch this space...I'm fielding approx. 11.5k of Imperial Fists including 8 Space Marine Captains! Yes - insane I know - but where else can you do that???
I'll send some links to pictures next time...