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Knightly Ranks and Knight Options

PostPosted: Sat Jul 09, 2016 4:35 am
by Vathrek
I've been working on some home brew stuff with my local gaming group for a while, but until recently hadn't playtested any of it enough to feel happy about setting it in stone. now that I have I find myself often using placeholder units in armybuilder to represent the general cost of things, but I would rather have things be properly represented for printed lists.

I've messed with datafiles for herolab (custom pathfinder stuff) but digging through armybuilder I find myself at a bit of a loss to understand how some of the 40k files are structured. I figured the easiest way to start would have been with the knight sheet (its the same structure as the renegade knight) but with a few non-standard options and new peices of wargear added, as well as access to an option that is identical in function to the lord baron upgrade.

what steps in the files would I need to take to show the lord baron upgrade as a 50pt option in place of the current method?

second question is really which file the renegade knight entry is under, so I can study how it is constructed and duplicate/edit that for my own use.

Re: Knightly Ranks and Knight Options

PostPosted: Sun Jul 10, 2016 9:40 pm
by Vathrek
after a while I seem to have figured out how the fiddle with the linksets, the only problem I'm really running into now is how to figure out what the "standard" priority settings are and what the various range exclusions are used for, since they're all just range_## without much definition.