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Max squad

Have a question about how to do something in the datafiles? Ask it here, we'll help if we can. NOTE: We cannot teach you how to use ABCREATE or how our files work, we don't have the time.

Max squad

#1  Postby xzandrate » Thu Mar 19, 2009 12:57 am

Was wondering if there was a way around this beyond the obvious build a new unit entry.

I'm trying to add some of the Apocalypse formations on the GW site. A few of them require the squads to be max size. Is there a way you can override the default size on a linked unit?

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#2  Postby shaggai » Thu Mar 19, 2009 2:13 am

The only way to really do this (and still play nice with the nominal rules) is to create an entirely new unit with it's increased maximum size.

Perhaps there is another way, but the duplication for the specific formation is simply too easy.
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#3  Postby Homer_S » Mon Apr 27, 2009 5:00 pm

Can this be done via Exceptions? It seems in the manual for ABCreator 3.x it says that this is the purpose of Exceptions, to make an existing unit behave differently when the rules are different. If you give the formation a tag and then set the min = max when the tag is present, that should work.

I leave details and exact scripting to the OP. Let me know if it works though!

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#4  Postby shaggai » Tue Apr 28, 2009 1:56 am

I may have to investigate that aspect of it - might help clear the alphabet soup which is currently in most of the Space Marine files.
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