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How to specify invulnerable save?

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How to specify invulnerable save?

#1  Postby mgroetan » Tue Jan 29, 2019 9:01 pm

I'm totally new to editing data files. I'm playing some matches soon, and needed the latest Chapter Approved 2018 point value changes for Necrons, as well as some Forgeworld units.

I've been able to add all I need so far, but also wanted to try to correct what I believe is a bug in the stats for the Tesseract Vault. It doesn't list its 4+ invulnerable save (due to its "Transtemporal Force Field").

I've looked at other units with invulnerable save, i.e. "Canoptek Wraiths", which have "4+/3(i)" and "C'Tan Shard of the Deceiver", which has "4+/4(i)".
Obviously, the regular armour save is set in the "Stat/Value" lower-right section of a unit, in the "Sv" stat.
But I can't find where to specify the invulnerable save.
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Re: How to specify invulnerable save?

#2  Postby mgroetan » Tue Jan 29, 2019 9:22 pm

Hah, seems that I was in fact able to answer my own question, after poking around some more.
Opening the creator manual in desperation, I saw that it mentioned that the data files are in XML format - doh, hadn't checked that before.

Thus opened the data file in a text editor and searched for "wraith". Incidentally, I lucked on finding the relevant option, as it turns out, which is the "necWraithF" option (the "Wraith Form" ability that is responsible for yielding the invulnerable save).
Its content was this:
Code: Select all
<evaluate>call prInvul3</evaluate>

I deduced that to be "call the invulnerable something that has the value 3".
I opened that option in the creator and looked around for any button that could possibly have anything to do with it. Being "evaluate" I reckoned it might have to do with the "Eval" button to the upper right. It even had a red colour, possibly indicating some non-default (e.g. blank) content. And there it was!

Thus I located the correct option for the Tesseract Vault, i.e. the "necTraForc (Transtemporal Force Field)" option.
In the "Eval" field, I entered this:
Code: Select all
call prInvul4

as I wanted a 4 instead of a 3.
Recompiled, and it worked as expected!

I could of course have copied the same from the "necNecroD" option (the C'Tan Shard of the Deceiver's "Necrodermis" option).
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Re: How to specify invulnerable save?

#3  Postby deano » Wed Jan 30, 2019 2:24 am

Great!  You are me, a year ago..  Want a job?...   

Notepad++ is a useful editing tool for finding all the instances of "Staff of Light" that may or may not need a points change (see local listings).

CA 18 edit *should* be updated this week.  I will drop Homer a line.
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Re: How to specify invulnerable save?

#4  Postby Homer_S » Thu Jan 31, 2019 2:42 am


FYI, I think we did all the Necrons updates for this next release. Check your PM...

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