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Adding information to discriptions

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Adding information to discriptions

#1  Postby Eldar_tiphus » Thu Aug 22, 2013 5:44 pm

My question seems simple in my head but if I have learned anything from working with SQL sometimes seemingly simple wants are often times impossible in reality, but I will ask anyways. Are the Universal special rules stored in their own file, or are they tied to a bigger file? I am asking because I would like to replace the page numbers with rules summaries, obviously you can't do this for legal reasons but I an looking for a more stream lined sheet for myself. The logical problem is if the original files are all stored in one big file then I would have to redo the work with every new version of the software, if the description fields are linked from a separate file though I could just copy in my version after every new release. I am assuming it was done as one giant table with the description fields stored with the rules. Any thoughts on what I want to do or am i just setting myself up for a lot of work every new version release?

Thank you in advance for your time reading this.
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Re: Adding information to discriptions

#2  Postby shaggai » Sat Aug 24, 2013 4:20 am

The problem that you will have is that even if your were to modify the descriptions, on the next update of the files you will essentially lose everything (or waste too much time on trying to do a DIFF and keeping the descriptions while figuring out the modifications).
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Re: Adding information to discriptions

#3  Postby Talizvar » Fri Oct 25, 2013 2:41 pm

This is the thing the OP is trying to get at:

I can see in the editor there is one easy area where you can see all the descriptions for the various gear and rules, does anyone know if there is something in the editor or file where we can set up a pointer / link / inject to add the specific rule information for our own personal use of course (using a text file or data file we keep separate from AB).

That would then not be painful as the AB file gets updated and the notes get overwritten.

I have some success of editing some key rules that are wordy and hard to remember so it is a workable thing to do.

I must admit the care taken with the wording to not run afoul of legal issues is VERY well done.
The page references are helpful and help make it clear the actual product is needed.
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Re: Adding information to discriptions

#4  Postby Homer_S » Fri Oct 25, 2013 4:18 pm

Talizvar wrote:This is the thing the OP is trying to get at:

I can see in the editor there is one easy area where you can see all the descriptions for the various gear and rules, does anyone know if there is something in the editor or file where we can set up a pointer / link / inject to add the specific rule information for our own personal use of course (using a text file or data file we keep separate from AB).

That would then not be painful as the AB file gets updated and the notes get overwritten.

I have some success of editing some key rules that are wordy and hard to remember so it is a workable thing to do.

I must admit the care taken with the wording to not run afoul of legal issues is VERY well done.
The page references are helpful and help make it clear the actual product is needed.

The AB functionality you are looking for is a macro IIRC. A maintainer would have to put all of the references for a race into a file containing just the macros. You could then edit the macro to whatever you choose. Note that this file would be replaced every update so you would have to keep a backup to change it back. Also, anytime new references are added, the file would fail to load. You would then have to locate by hand each new addition and edit. At some point this becomes tedious. I'm willing to try it on Age of Darkness/Horus Heresy to see if it is even feasible. Remember, doing this prevents me from updating IA stuff...

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Re: Adding information to discriptions

#5  Postby Talizvar » Fri Oct 25, 2013 5:25 pm

Just wanted to know if it is possible and a point in the direction to how.
Last thing I want is development/updates delayed.

If you think that the idea has merit for fan based customization, that is up to your discretion to pursue or not :wink:
It may allow even more vague wording when published and be able to point end-user customization which you would not be responsible for
Less griping from various people by offering a "self-serve" option.

I have been a user of AB40k for years and only now going into the editor to have a better appreciation of how things work.

The layers of code and how they interact is beginning to look scary to me.
I may have to get a flow chart together soon.

I can reproduce at least the marine codex specifically (Tables, vlookup, match, If statements...) in excel OK but the interface and body of work you guys do is almost impossible to match.

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Re: Adding information to discriptions

#6  Postby karlhunt » Wed Nov 20, 2013 8:03 pm

Create a new EXT file in the 40k data directory. In the override tab create a new entry, enter the Entity Id for the USR you are wanting to update (i.e. gn6_ArmBan for Armourbane), you will find these listed in the options tab of the general6Dat.dat file (Will probably change names per edition but they are fairly consistent with the general part).

Anyway, back to our EXT file. Once you have entered the ID use the drop down to list the type of id (global for USR), I don't think the index and priority matter but I try to set them equal to what the original option has. Next need to enter the conditions upon which the change will take effect, !roster.mystuff should work fine. Finally enter the full description in the box labeled description.

From there on out your ab files will be over ridden with these settings. Make sure that when you import a new version that you uncheck the box to delete files which are not updated. Viola! No need to re-do your work with each new release.

Note: If they ever change the name of the option it can really mess with your file and possibly make it so you can't open it any more, make sure to keep a backup folder of your current files. If you run into an issue it will tell you the id having the error and the file where the issue was encountered, just pop in and make any necessary changes.

Hope this helps.
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Re: Adding information to discriptions

#7  Postby karlhunt » Wed Nov 20, 2013 8:11 pm

^^ OOPS! That works for units and items but not for options, drat! Sad face :( ^^
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