by shaggai » Mon Aug 13, 2012 6:29 am
the "ruleset.ro_CompOut" - stands for the ruleset Competition output. It is an option that is selectable on the main Create New Roster textbox under d1, Formatting. What this does it the "hide" default options - so you place it in the "Live" of an option with the "!ruleset.ro_CompOut" and that option will not be visible when Competition output is selected. It makes rosters very small and less cluttered for the more avid player who know their codex in an out and don't want any extraneous information in their face.
The careful key is that when this is done, said option is not just invisible, it is treated as if it wasn't there at all. So things that depend on a calculation or adding a tag will need an "invisible duplicate." This invisible duplicate is the same option, with the same choices, but has the "Start Visible?" set to No and the "Live" set to ruleset.ro_CompOut (note no exclamation point).
To see what this can do to a model and the reason why a "invisible duplicate" is needed, take a model such as the Space Marine Chaplain in power armour. Delete the crozius arcanum option which has the visibility set to no and the ruleset.ro_CompOut without the exclamation point and then toggle the Competition Output one and off and watch the cange in the amount of attacks.
As such the only reason that you do this is hide default options, so any equipment the model comes with, without a player choice should have this. Certain liberties may need to be taken for some units such a SM sergeants and the like. Hopefully this helps you see what goes on behind the files.
Age of Cash-mar - alienate you fan base and find a new way to squeeze money out of those poor souls!